Learn How To Make A Rolling Wheel At A Simple House But Also Delicious, Whoever Meets

Baking book is actually not complicated. If you want homemade rolls at home, let's learn how to bake Emdep.vn book below! 0: 00/6: domain 54Nu NamBanh Roll is a dish made from steamed rice flour coated thin, coiled inside is padded meat or vegetables. Has a long, rolls become closely familiar dishes from Vietnam by taste fragrant, delicious and easy to make rolls an.Cach actually not complicated

. Instead of buying outside the restaurant, if you want homemade rolls at home, let's learn how to bake Emdep.vn book below! How to make rolls with flour mixed sanNguyen rolls raw pulp powder mixed san400gr rolls (sold in supermarkets nationwide) 1 liter of water am50gr meo1 onion mushroom meat lua100gr bamDua tayHanh timCha climbing, herbs, price doGia taste: salt, pepper, duong.Cach baking powder mixed Roll cake Roll sanCach powder phase lieuHanh Sanso processing of dried purple peeled, washed and sliced very thin and drain
Dried mushrooms soaked in water, the amount of mushrooms more or less depending on if you like to eat mushrooms or not decent, the next you rinse it with cold water. Then you take the mushrooms soaked in boiling water for the cleaning to avoid mold and germs nhe.Cac aromatic rolls ngon.Buoc step 1: chopped onion or shallot phi.Bao, exposed to air for a moment for the operating se, se acts as the processing time, the onion will be more fragrant crispy and very nhieu.Tiep under heating oil pan, slowly the onion to the pan. Wait until the onions turn bright yellow, then turn off the heat, remove the oil drain out practice. (Do not wait until the operating transformed into a dark yellow fresh off the stove, like onions very vulnerable to fire.) Step 2: Mix dough cuonPha 400gr flour rolls with 1 liter of warm water, you can adjust the volume water to suit the whim offline. Add the flour mixture a teaspoon of salt and sugar, then routed to flour dough rest at least 30 phut
Ngoai, you can filter through the sieve powder to flour is finely hon.Neu time available you can challenge powder prior to meal break about 25 minutes at room temperature and then sealed to prevent cool the refrigerator overnight. This approach helps the cake chewy, delicious cakes coated hon.Truoc beginning, you remember for about 3 tbsp oil into powder, can take advantage of the remaining time of cooking oil astronaut, astronaut cooking oil at will smell pretty Roll pastry flour thom.Cach sanBuoc phase 3: How do cuonNam cat's bread soaked in water swells, rinse, then slice, julienne onion small. Minced meat marinated in a little sugar, salt, flour ngot.Cho part remaining oil to the pan astronauts time, followed by the onion, stirring, and then the meat in stir-fries. Now, you seasoned stars for taste. Wait until the meat is almost cooked you for mushrooms on the same island. You can add some pepper if you like to eat fried cay.Sau when nine people, you scoop out of the pan and press wheel to separate into bat.Cuoi together for a little onion and mix deu.Buoc 4: Prepare vegetables kem.Cat cucumber into small bars and clips. Herbs, pork bologna and cut into small pieces. Bean sprouts poaches boiling water brought to nine and to rao.Buoc 5: The aqueous phase chamNuoc dot rolls sour sauce usually ngot.Chuan was a clean bowl, add two tablespoons of sugar, garlic, pepper and crushed . Then add the fish sauce, a little warm water and juice chanh.Khuay mixture until the sugar dissolves and observe the principles intertwined lieuda we had a delicious sauce cup roi.Buoc 6: Rinse banhdau first you need to prepare a pan, the pan is nonstick dental absolute. Since the dough is quite sticky, if using ordinary pan cake is hard cast a.Lam very hot non-stick pan, add a little oil pan, coating them chaSau face that scooped up some powder into thin coated. Cover the cake for about 45 seconds for cooked. Nine looked very trong.Cam cake pans and cake on a plate turned upside. (Apply a little oil to the forks for the cake from sticking nhé!) You want to look, gear when ripe enough, the cake will come off the pan, then, you quickly type the definitive cake down on the cutting board or large disk if hard too, you use wooden chopsticks 1 slot around the cake, the cake when facing down will easily hon.Lam turn until the dough is presented hot rolls and sprinkle the dry disc was non aromatic tren.Buoc 7: Adding people to banhBanh after coated finish, you get a few workers entered between bread and cake rolled back, according to preference. Should roll the cake beautiful cake's nong.Muon also emerged when the old roll nearly half loaves stopped, then rolling the cake from the other side is swept back toward the old side and roll to roll on top part is just duoc.Cu so you just dump cake for just nine more staff and scroll wheel, doing so until bot.Cho bread into the bowl, sprinkle onion over the top, do not forget to add a few slices of fried silk, quilted same price cucumber and chopped basil rolls nhe.Cach made with rice flour and powdered raw nangNguyen: the dough: 1 cup flour dough bowl gao1 (Note: flour helps bread dislike tougher, so if you can reduce the amount of flour and rice flour increase) 3 bowl for mixing water

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