Little Story About The ‘information Soldiers’ Love Singing

The generation of 8x newspapers went to work in the Security Newspaper of the capital once heard about the spirit of artistic love, likes the singing of uncle, the brothers and sisters before. See Colonel Dao Le Binh, former editor-in-editors of the Capital Security Newspaper when the incumbent not least took a passionate microphone in the meetings to grateful collaborators; Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Trong Nghia, former deputy editor or release of lyrics when walking under the agency; Story Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Thanh Binh, Editor-in-Chief of the Security Newspaper has just been singing and singing; Major Chu Quoc Dung, Deputy Chief Editor-in-Chief did 'singer' on stage of cultural exchanges shall be elaborate right at the court office ... not a rare story

. 2011 - Class Young We have the opportunity to experience and osmosis of the spirit of singing singing when the art team of the newspaper was established and started "conquering" competitions and cultural performances. Life around August 2011, "the pregnant" the Capital Security Newspaper team was Mr. Zuan Vu Kim Thanh, former deputy editor
At that time, the team was established to practice preparing for participation in the mass art performance of the Capital Police 2011 to celebrate the 57th anniversary of the liberation of the Capital. The "gourd" of the art team also cum also "gourd" the football team in the capital security news team, helping the team to turn across the grass fields and won many medals in small tournaments. cum added the role of the art team, Vu Kim Thanh's vice-Chief of Vu Kim Thanh strategy outwards the "competition" strategy, from inviting teachers at the University of Arts and Arts in teaching vocals, erection; invite dancers to guide dance; Schedule daily training for members so that do not affect a lot of professional work ... So the reporter, editor - Member of the Capital Security News Technology team has really been undergone months. The day has just done and singing the true meaning again, every day, next to the job, we have more artistic exercise time. The initial voice training site is not far away, located right in the 4th floor meeting room of the building, about 40m2. The exercise time is usually at noon or at the end of the afternoon, near the day of the "gourd" show for strengthening the schedule in the morning. Mr
Ba Thanh - Lecturer of the University of Army Arts Culture Perhaps also experienced the days of unforgettable teaching when students are all journalists, and only just holding a karaoke microphone, not standing on the field Professional stage ever. It was a student, so the age of all, "most demon demons" so many phen sang "processed", singing the words, even ... singing loudly made the teacher with a skinny shape to bring his hand on the bears Staden though sitting in the cool air-conditioned room. In that moment, nearly 20 members of the art team are also sweaty to learn to sing so that the word, right melody and also have to express not only 1 shift Which is the program with a series of 5 items - 5 songs: "My country is not so beautiful"; "Silver stone - Vang Hung Vang forever"; "Love soldiers"; "Son" and "Au Co Mother". It must mention the "Son" contemporary folk song of Duc Nghia musician to professional singers who must also recognize "difficult to sing, tough". This is also the "best quiz" repertoire with me and 4 female colleagues who are chosen to show this item, because they don't just stand a singer such as the song or the song, but also to sing and perform many movements Choreites like a true dancer, from fan dance, shaking hips, to how to hold the microphone, so that it is natural to naturally, how to decorate with professionalism, so smile must also look really Graceful gracefully. Support for this performance is 5 male colleagues - those who are probably never thinking about someday I perform as a dancer on stage but now have to learn the rotation movements , shrugged and dance, dancing ... but "thousands of nan starts", after the first time "breaking the song", everyone feels excited and excited about training even though it is hard, busy With general, private work. Entrepreneur so that the reporter of Chu Thuy reporter fainted on the exercise floor because of hypoglycemia. It turned out after learning to sing the morning, she could not have lunch and rushed to turn the report to catch the post and play in the ATV security television program on the evening on the same day. When it was just finished with a professional job, because of afraid of studying lately, Chu Thuy immediately ran to the military cinema hall at the nearby beside the newspaper of the newspaper to study for a dance, so it was just a few movements. They fall faintly. Fortunately "gourd" of the art team then the deputy editor vu Kim Thanh quickly ran out to buy ginger tea to bring emergency. Bich Hau alarms a difficult with singers and dancers Excess when expressing "Son" is a costume issue. Because it is a contemporary folk song, so "the coach" Ba Thanh also actively given the idea of the costume for everyone to choose the star

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