Live Legend Of Spanish Painting In Puerta Del Sol Square Is Famous

This time, people in the capital Madrid can witness one of the greatest natives of Spain painting on the famous Puerta del Sol Square. From early July, every 18:30 to 21h rows Day in Puerta del Sol Square, Painter and Sculptor Antonio Lopez, 85 years old, has a large tarpaulin and a large tarpaulin and started mixing paint to paint the square image in ambiguity, admiring Guest's shopping, passersby and especially art lovers. Loi Antonio Lopez Drawing famous Puerta del Sol square in Madrid on August 5, 2021. (Source: Reuters) Many local residents are not excited when it caught the artist Antonio Lopez in the middle of the stalls serving tourism. Havier Mateo, 33 years old and is an art teacher, sharing: "That As a moment only once in my life by NonNonio Lopez is the Living Legend of Spanish Art "

. This is not the first time IPhone Antonio Lopez tests the scene of Puerta del Sol square. times Firstly, he tried to portray the symbolic square in the center of the capital of the Spain was more than 20 years ago. The second time on the right time the square is being renovated, making him again from Put
He shared decided to resume the job he started in 2010. Illustrated Antonio Lopez to be dubbed the real chart of Spain with works that are usually displayed in the Bao Museum around the world. His paintings engraved vivid things or cases of idyllic, close daily, like a cupboard Cold, a bathroom, a scene of Madrid or a small corner. Ever sharing: "My painting not only shows a reality, every picture is still in a special meaning - a feeling Internal is born thanks to the description of the scenes ". (According to VietnamPlus)

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