‘look At It Hì Hà, Tattooing Too Much’

The days of epidemic outbreaks, John everywhere, there are many F0 cases, blocked. Every door of the house closed tightly, only the heart was opened. Before a saggy house in Thu Duc City, people were familiar with a tattooed youth standing vegetables for poor relatives ..

. 0:00 / 4: 33 Nam Nguyen Minh Tan is playing rice, vegetables ..
for poor families during translation, difficulties. Only, in front of the sagging house (Address 5A4 Dong Tang Long Residential Area, Truong Thanh Ward, Thu Duc City) by Mr. Nguyen Minh Tan, Located The edge of the locked area, has a small table, placing the vegetables, fruits, vegetables ... waiting for a difficult relative to take. That small house, Tan rented 5 million per month. The young man in Saigon, eagerly leaving his parents, moved out to live separately, opening a small car wash, earning income for his wife and 3 small children. Without money to shop for 4-wheel drive washing equipment, Tan's shop only receives 2-wheeled car washes. Only few days later opened, translation in Saigon began to flare up
Moist, just a few days only a few cars bring to Tan Lan shop. The translation is complicated, new infections are up to thousands every day. Saigon applied in Directive 15, then 16 ..., all activities to buy and sell, the service must be suspended, the market is closed. Tan Trong Ward area has discovered many F0 cases, the government applies emergency blockade measures. Long Truong Ward Attendance also continued to be blocked ... the "young" car wash shop of Tan nor exception, must be closed.Anh Nguyen Minh Tan and the children of the vegetable stalls for difficulties not to make money Yes, still have to pay cash with, take care of milk for children ... but Tan looks at poor people falling into difficult situation, Tan also does not stand. Sharing: "I'm not rich, but I'm a Sai Gon, it is too painful, running back to the parents' house. Only a few people far away from the countryside are stuck in Saigon. They make a living with lottery tickets, lottery tickets are not sold. People go to the lake, receive money It is enough to spend enough to spend on that wife and children on that day, a long break, knowing to live ... They lack rice to cook rice, speak to fish meat. What helps me to help "simple and simple Youth started doing. Remove the money, spare money for a long time to prevent the medicine for a small daughter or sick, Tan ordered the spinach, cucumber, dragon fruit, gourd, squash, sweet potato ... cheap in Cu Chi , Hoc Mon. By the day, the couple and the family of the family divided into small, placed on the table before the sky was bright, keeping the relatives to take. "You are still hard, worried Let me first. People are more difficult, someone else worry. " But Tan refused: "Money tomorrow earned. When she is miserable, I can't sit eating rice and look at the hungry relatives". The wife's guaranteed is the first to fear the money saved, risk 3 children The child is taking money where to worry about the medicine, but Tan converts his wife: "Just let me go. He will give another. Translate all, I rinse it again, swore another". Gon the middle of the epidemic, shaking the kindness of the sponsors. Mr. Toan Ha Tinh, Ms. Ngoc Sammy Thu Thiem, Ms. Loi CR, Phu Huu Residential Area, Shark Lien Tinh Thuong Fund ... see Tan Thanh Poor material but rich in kindness, also join hands to contribute and carry Vegetables, rice, and water are coming. Fasting the meaning of green vegetables in front of the rental house of the early dream, on the old plastic table in front of the small house, the ribbery between high-rise houses in the area Luxurious population, poor relatives who sealed the mask, unknown face, but revealed joyful eyes, enlisting to get vegetables and tubers. I don't look at the face, but Tan has used a skinny shape of aunt Two buy bottle balls, his steady figure seven tickets, the rough shape of Mr. Long Tien Giang Fasters ... used to each voice between "Thank you". "The relatives stand apart 2 Meters for children! Now this relatives eat spinach, sweet potato. Tomorrow with dragon fruit, nourish! " Tomorrow. o Poor relatives, seeing the people of the room, the police on the night of the night in the sunny rain, the locked latches next to the house, Tan and his wife steadily cooked the breakfast for the brothers, when the noodle bun, when , tea. Tan said: "Every day, it has to be cooked for small children. Cooking a little more, invite you to be convenient. The people are extremely miserable for the people, you hope the people have a sense of consciousness, doing the right order to be Then "A division said:" Look at it tattooing, hì ha so it's good. There is a kind heart, knowing shares, helping people more difficult to help me ". Poor children are difficult. Mileament of pandemics outbreaks, people who stay in the house are avoided, the boy born in the 87th year still reversed, rolling for the poor. When he carries the bag of rice, Ms. Ngoc's new soy sauce is given to a family in accommodation in exhaustion and food. When the vegetables gave the old lady to sell lottery tickets in the inn, it was not enough to go out. The small children of the government supported the government. Ta

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