Currently, the inadequacies in accounting interest expenses, causing the results of manufacturing production of BOT enterprises do not reflect the investment efficiency, especially in the early years of the project to operate. If the BOT enterprise performs cost accounting according to the general regulations, the results of business activities will suffer constant and prolonged losses, while huge profits are cornered in the final years. This has not yet reflect the nature, the effectiveness of the BOT project. BOT projects are generally the total total investment (illustration). Immediately
... BOT projects have and Currently investing throughout the country has a total common total investment
In particular, loan capital accounts for a large proportion, so interest expenses in the early years when the new project put into operation very high due to a large interest rate balance (decreasing in the following years), vice versa The initials of the first years are low and increase gradually in the following years (due to the growth rate of vehicle traffic, increase the price according to the roadmap, ...). Besides, the interest expense arises since the project is completed, In fact, it is essentially cost for the investment period of the project (usually 10-15 years for transport projects). So, if the loan accounting according to the current regulations is inappropriate and not guaranteed the principle of "suitable" according to the Vietnam Accounting Standard No. 1. Tong Tran Van The - Vice Chairman of the Board of Pass Group said: "Although the Ministry of Finance seeks the remarks above, however, during the past time, the Ministry created the mechanism" please - give ". That means a business to allocate loan interest, the ministry shall be implemented through the issuance of specific documents for that enterprise to apply ". After many times recommendations, the Ministry of Finance has also drafted the Circular to adjust The inadequacularity mentioned above
However, up to now nearly 03 years since the draft Circular took opinions but has not yet been issued. Hundreds of comments, hundreds of suggestions on the draft of the Circular for nearly 3 years but the results are still continuing to study and revise, Mr. Tran Van The information. Why does the Ministry of Finance Do not modify this inadequate regulation? The question is still open to the answer to the correct answer ... The lack of separate accounting guidelines for the BOT project leads to the status of financial data of BOT enterprises, the BOT project investors have not been reflected yet. The actual effect of the project, even distorting the financial situation, the business results of these enterprises are due to the large and prolonged losses in the first years of operation. revenue, completely thitrong documents sent to the Vietnam Practicing Auditor Association, to participate in contributing opinions on the method of allocating interest expense according to revenue in BOT enterprises, auditing and private companies Amber's main issue said that the accounting of interest in accordance with current regulations causes difficulties and barriers to businesses in accessing loans from credit institutions, other mobilized capital and mobilized capital Stock market ... Therefore, it is necessary to have a separate guidance on accounting applicable to BOT projects to ensure that the financial data are shown accordingly With the project nature, reflecting the investment efficiency of investors. According to the comment company of the COMPLANKING COMPANY, the method of allocating interest expense according to revenue from the project tax rate BOT is completed, which has been allowed by the Ministry of Finance to allow a number of piloting enterprises in documents No. 14149 / BTC-TCDN dated October 7, 2009 and 9060 / BTC-CST on July 3, 2015 as appropriate With the operation of BOT enterprises, specifically: Thus, the fact that BOT enterprises shall account allocated interest in revenue is completely feasible, in accordance with the characteristics of the project, contributing to reflection True to the investment efficiency as well as the financial situation of the enterprise, and contribute to removing difficulties of problems with enterprises in capital mobilization to invest in transport infrastructure projects in the form of PPP In the future. The bot business will be when faced with double difficulties: anti-epidemic, compensating losses when stopping the charge due to the translation; At the same time, it is a prolonged shortcoming policy ... Investing a huge traffic bot project, the first years revenue will be very low and increase gradually in the following years. But in the opposite direction, the interest rate in the early years is very large, the following years are less due to decreasing debt balance. This is the "reverse problem" in accounting of interest expenses for BOT projects that need to be removed soon, avoiding to extend the damage to businesses.Thanh Xuan - Phuong Mai . Dịch vụ:
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