Market Session

In the morning, my gate before my gate was still quiet as a state that had lasted nearly a month, since the city made a social way to prevent and combat epidemics. Without a rushing whistle of the workers on the industrial zone passing through, there are no children in a noisy neighborhood chasing the ball, not the sound of the sawing machine, the machine is sinus with eagerly waiting. The sense of waking up and she was so quiet like the sheet was not new, but still caused the feeling to start a day with something uncomfortable and suffocating. I suddenly remembered today as the mid-week day, the food in the cabinet was all. Rush to change the lane in the market, bring a handbag to prevent the lane that is not enough to use

. Have today the day but sad like the afternoon market. Before the market gate placed a table across a large signboard: "offer relatives to take a car outside the regulation area and stop checking the ballot into the market." Everyone quietly passed through the ticket gate, silently into the market
Do not hear the voice of fish with every day. Stop in front of a familiar meat counter, instead of teasing a few sentences with sisters like every time, I hurried like others, choose to get the part to buy, pay and leave. There are also many foods As usual days, everyone doesn't need to choose. The row of fish is only two rows, because other salespeople cannot bring goods to other commune market. The more vegetables, the more vegetables are grown by the villagers and several types are taken from wholesale people. The feeling of walking into the market where the scene lacks the daily noise, even though it's just a voice, the conversation asks for a regular basis, causing people to don't have a lot of love. Bananas, his familiar spot selling bananas from the village next to it, naturally laughed. Normal day, he carries two to generals at the corner of the market, English to the spora, the local matter of the beam market across the river. I bought my products for many years, knew all the words of his witty jokes to smile some sisters to sell, making the market corner every day fun. She sold stones, deserted the shadow of the girls sitting sampling vermicelli, absent a bustling sound to buy and sell familiar
In the hasty eyes looking at each other, hurriedly selling, it seemed that Europe was tinged in it. The radio report suddenly suddenly rang the familiar dancing melody of the song "Vietnam! Flying Covid "and when the music stopped, it was heard that Ms. Broadcasters announced:" F1 cases in the village, after testing, received the first negative result ". Obviously there was a sigh, or the laughter turned out in the market this morning. Maybe, in Europe, people continued to raise themselves hope. There are very small and fragile hopes, but faith, we need to keep it forever. Because only when there are faith, the miraculous things come. Le Huyen

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