Ministry Of Health: Absolute Medical Facilities Do Not Spray Directly To Medical Staff, Patients

The Ministry of Health requires medical examination and treatment establishments to comply with the regulations on environmental sanitation by disinfecting methods; Absolutely not spray directly on medical staff; sick people, people who disease 11: 00/2: 26 nuns of the Southern region and the medical basis of disinfecting medical diseases on the medical disease has a document to the director of the Department of Health and the central government; Medical heads of branches; The Hospital Director, the Institute of the Ministry of Health and the University of the University on compliance with the surface sanitation measures in the medical examination and treatment facility, the Ministry of Health, now, on vehicles Mass information appears with a number of medical examination and treatment facilities that have not complyed with the surface environmental sanitation measures such as environmental disinfection in and out of preventing the disease; disinfect to disinfect to patients, people of patients and personal appliances; Spray sterilizing on the personal protection means of medical staff; Spray sterilization on waste .... Ministry of Health requires absolute medical examination and treatment facilities without spraying directly to medical staff; Patients, people who disease abuse of sterilization sprays as above not only are not effective to disinfect air, surfaces but also cause heavy consequences such as: environmental pollution, chemical waste, special Safe for the health of patients, patients and medical staff

. Injectable sprouts for surfaces cannot be wiped and when there are no people in that area to ensure compliance with disease prevention measures Translation and environmental hygiene in the medical examination and treatment facility, the Ministry of Health requires the Director of the Department of Health and the central provinces; Medical heads of branches; The director of hospitals, the Institute of the Ministry of Health and the Hospital of the University directs the units under the number of jobs. Strictly implement measures to prevent and control SARS-COV-2 infection Facility for medical examination and treatment in Decision 5188 / QD-BYT dated December 14, 2020 of the Minister of Health. The medical examination and treatment establishments conduct the right regulations on environmental sanitation by disinfection method , especially environmental surfaces with high exposure such as handrails stairs, door handles, elevator keys, transport vehicles
.. do not spray disinfectant chemicals in and out of room disease Go, Exterior area. Only disinfect spray for the surface cannot be wiped and when there are no people in that area. Medical Ministry requires absolute medical examination and treatment facilities without spraying directly to medical staff; Patients, people who are sick when visiting medical examination and treatment facility and at the end of local isolation; Clothes and personal belongings; Personal protection means of medical staff; Waste and fabrics are regularly checked and monitored with environmental hygiene compliance and strictly handle the incorrect behavior. You read watching videos are interested in:

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