Miss Huong Giang Auction 900 Million Supporters Of Covid-19

Supermodel Xuan Lan revealed that Huong Giang successfully auctioned the Hublot watch 900 million dong, contributing to the Fund to buy breathing machines for Covid-19.0: 00 Patients / 1: 44 Southern people on the recent personal page, spring Lan suddenly shared about the conversation between her and Miss Huong Giang to reveal the transgender beauty while auctioning the watch with the amount of up to 900 million VND to support the purchase of breathing machine to send the first line to Covid-19 . Along with that, the successful transfer image of Huong Giang was also posted by Xuan Lan supermodel on Facebook this morning (August 15). Spring of Xuan Lan sharing Lan Lan writing: "Huong Giang has been hidden for a long time, Do not reappear public public. Nobody knows where you are and what you do, you can play together but respect me, but I should also be well-sealed

. "Theo Word Super Model Xuan Lan, in the auction of Sesame County Fund, Huong Giang has active messaging Give her to auction the Hublot watch of Ngoc Trinh BTV, whether now the female singer's health is not good. "When I asked myself when I was suffering from food poisoning, waiting for me . The sesame county has an additional 900 million to buy medical equipment for heavy disease areas
Commercial and thank you Huong Giang Extremely "- Xuan Lan shared more. After little hours, sharing of" Mother one child "quickly received Get the attention of the public. Many people appreciate the heart of Huong Giang when she aimed at the community during the epidemic phase. Giang Huong Giang, singer Nguyen Tran Trung Quan also participated in the auction of items. He bought Swarovski's necklace for VND 30 million and ancient clock for VND 62 million. The remaining items of benefactors were successfully auctioned including: 5 square-sided crawls G sa (VND 165 million), a 16-year artificial plants (VND 80 million), lacquer paintings (VND 55 million), Reuge music box (VND 400 million), Ngoc Buddha watches (VND 200 million), competing Vietnamese items from 6,000 rice seeds (VND 30 million), ... Vu Toan / VOV.VN FBNV

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