Mom Stopped Me To Get Him Because The Two Houses Were Too Far Apart

The two families were 200 kilomassed apart, but we were all working in Hanoi, but she still protested because it was too far away ... 0: 00/2: 02 Nam Nam and his boyfriend Two children learned with the university, we played together and got emotionally and loved each other. Up to now, the two of them have been familiar for each other for 9 years and they are also 6 years

. And I am not excellent people, but we always know trying in work, graduating, we Also go to find a job, then do other jobs to earn extra income. So life is also stable. I don't deny, the time nearly 10 years, there is a side where my life becomes interesting and lonely more lonely
Many times the two children were angry, then broke up, but only for a short time, we returned to each other and the more delighted the affection. His mother was very supportive for our love, continuously Brilling the two of them to get married, but my parents protested, they argued that the distance of my house and his house was too far away, about 200 kilometers apart. Later married to walk again, while my parents only had everyone I was a daughter, she wanted me to marry nearly 10 km to take a time to visit the house, or my mother came there Squirrel when I gave birth to I was convenient. I knew, I banned me to stop me for me because I'm worried about me, but I explained to my mother many times, we finished getting back to my hometown in Hanoi, but Hanoi capital is also only 100 kilometers away from my house, now convenient transportation, we can visit your parents on every weekend, or Mother can visit me by bus . But I still don't agree. Mother opposes it to fierce and came to me, so I feel that I banned them from stopping us not simply far away, but also because my family was not rich, Do not support our lives. Should I take you, I will have to worry everything, not ask your husband's house. I'm afraid I'm hard. Mother wants me to take a person, he is your mother's child, the family has the condition, close to my house. I understand my mother's thoughts, but I and I have no feelings, don't know each other, is it happiness ?Theo is happy?

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