Mysterious Leather Samples Reveal New Clues About Covid-19 Origin

The patient sample from November 2019 of the mysterious woman in Milan, Italy opened a new research direction of Covid-19 pandemic origin, but so far it was completely lost 9: 00/5: 54 Nam in the journey to learn the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic, persistent mystery about a woman Italy so far has not been fully deciphered. The members of the Pandemic Organization Research Group World International (WHO) heads to investigate the case of a 25-year-old Milan woman. In November 2019, he went to the hospital in a sore throat and skin lesions - the symptoms of a new disease would begin to be discovered in China's Wuhan city in a later month. A study by Raffaele Gianotti and Massimo Barberis scientists was announced by British Journal of Dermatology magazine in January 2021, a woman who left a smaller piece of skin than a coin after hospital examinations In Milan, Italy. The tests and tests were conducted for more than 6 months later showing traces of SARS-COV-2 virus, according to Wall Street Journal

. Essentially attracted researchers in Global Covid-19 origin. However, so far, this is still a persistent mystery for them. The sample "evidence" on November 10, 2019, the woman who went to Policlinico Hospital to see and leave a leather pattern blood
The symptoms she encountered then included sore throat and rash. Dr. Raffaele Gianotti was the one who received a dermatology treatment for her and sampled the skin then. These are symptoms that the American Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC) later said it appeared in one Patients with Covid-19 patients. Raffaele Gianotti. Photo: ICLID.When the pandemic attacked Italy at the beginning of 2020, Gianotti, Milan University's dermatologist took the leather patterns stored at Policlinico Hospital to conduct research, to find schools Covid-19 has unprecedented capabilities. From the skin sample of 0.6 cm of 25-year-old woman, Gianotti has found what he believes that it is evidence that Covid-19 has been transmitted In Italy a few weeks before the disease was published for the first time in Wuhan.Hai tested on the form showing the presence of protein protein (the most important protein that the virus used to attach to receptors on the surface of the object Holder) and nucleocapsid - virus protein shell
This form has been too long, Gianotti cannot analyze enough RNA from it to decode the viral gene sequence. If it is possible to decode the sequence, this will be the third confirmation step that allows scientists to compare it with the sequence of cases in China, thereby giving a stronger affirmation than.Massimo Barberis, Gianotti's research co-author on leather model, and the director of the diagnostic and molecular diagnostic clinic of the European Cancer Institute in Milan said: "I only disappointed for a single thing, that they I cannot confirm another step ". Scientists said that additional research on the case of this woman can help determine the time that the virus is likely to spread in China and Other places, before a series of cases outbreaks at Hoa Nam Seafood Market in Wuhan in December 2019. Samples with traces of Covid-19, are currently preserved at the researcher's office in Milan , is an example of a clue scattered about the early days of the Covid-19 Pandemic that WHO is trying to investigate outside China, where the pandemic outbreaks first. Broadcasts on female patient skin 25 years old and observations during the study by Dr. Raffaele Gianotti and colleagues. Photo: British Journal of Dermatology. "We can't ignore it," said Dutch Virus Virus Marion Koopmans, a member of the investigation team on the leader of the WHO. She said that the case of a 25-year-old woman in Milan provided eligible to open a wider investigation, to find out if the SARS-COV-2 virus appeared in other countries before China public Dad Discharge Disease A Zone Phat or No Lipkin, an infectious disease expert at Columbia University argues that Gianotti's experiments are persuaded. The mysterious woman WHO research team has recommended search Cases are likely to make Covid-19 in other countries before the world announced the first case in Wuhan in early December / 2019.Batch said they have completed their responsibilities in the thing TRA's WHO, despite the US, the European Union and the WHO called on this country to facilitate further studies. Scientists say that identifying suspicion of pandemics can help simulate Early spread schedule of viruses. If the genetic material of the first viral infection can be restored, scientists can identify the concerns of these cases with a pandemic. 6/2020, scientists Conducting the blood sample test of Milan woman, they found antibodies with WHO SARS-COV-2. Viruses who called on blood banks in countries

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