Navy Connecting Consuming More Than 60 Tons Of Agricultural Products For Dong Thap

Dong Thap is the first locality connected by the Command of the Navy 2 Navy to consume more than 60 tons of agricultural products for farmers. 9: 00/1: 45 Nam in 2 days 18 and 19-8, Dong Dong Farmer Association The provincial Fellow Entrepreneurs Association coordinated with the Command of the 2 Navy Regional Command, organizing the program to carry the cargo ship for the people of the southern provinces to prevent Covid-19 epidemic and military soldiers. Dong Thap Province Points to prepare for shipping support, the total number of goods connecting this time more than 60 tons of agricultural products consists of rice, sweet potatoes, lemon, dry pangasius ..

. All numbers of this agricultural product Assigned to orders from the Livestream Program "Connecting agricultural products - Sequality loves - Joining hands over the pandemic". The program was coordinated by the Central Youth Union of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Ho Chi Minh City, Thanh Binh Duong Province, Dong Nai Provincial Union and other units to organize. This program, to support Dong Thap province in transporting agricultural products to Ho Chi Minh City, the Command of the Navy 2 Navy deployed the support ship
At the same time, there are more than 60 soldiers of the Military Command of Dong Thap Province to support and transfer goods to ships. Ban Thi Kim Nhung, Vice Chairman of Dong Thap Farmers Association, said this program aims to Objectives Connect with units to support agricultural consumption for provincial farmers. Dong Thap is the first locality to be supported by the Commander of the 2 Navy in this episodes. The transit translation of the 626 ship of the naval force here is also the emotional shipment of the task force The sea was covered by the Mekong Delta to connect the bridge of agricultural products from Dong Thap to the people in Ho Chi Minh City and 2 Binh Duong Province, Dong Nai. Souvenirs of the province for soldiers under the Commands of Region 2 Navy This agricultural product will be divided into 5,000 gifts, each worth 200,000 VND, including 5 kg of rice, 3 kg of potatoes, a kilogram of lemon and half a kilogram of pellets. Total worth of about 1 billion Dong Ta Vo Minh Thang, Head of People's Committee of Commanding Region 2 Navy, Sharing: "After being agreed by the unit, I am with the 626 ship soldiers quickly prepared to Road to Dong Thap to support people consuming agricultural products and bringing all the hearts to the area in difficulties due to Covid-19 disease, Dong Nai, Binh Duong and Ho Chi Minh City ". Photo: Tam Minh

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