5 Books About Remote Work

Covid-19 pandemic makes home work or normal. This is also the time when businesses discuss more to manage their company.0: 00/3: 57 south 5 books Writing about remote work during Covid-19 pandemic periods can help you clearance These stresses must make social interpretation.Remote: Office Not Required (Working remotely - no need for office). Author: Jason Fried and David H

. HanssonTrong Remote, Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, two co-founders of Basecamp, have brought insight to the lively debate about remote work. Regarding the challenges from remote work, the two he affirmed that the advantages of "external" work goes far beyond its limitations. In the past decade, the model works "under a roof" Lastly losing positions by the rapid development of technology has created virtual workspaces
Today, the new model is "transferred to workers instead of asking employees to work". The companies noticed the advantage in how to work remotely in attracting talents, reducing variables Cave Human Resources, Reduce Pressure on Real Estate and increase the ability to conduct work on various time zones. But what about workers? Jason and David pointed out that remote work is the best job and gain a harmonious balance between work and life, while increasing productivity. This book is a useful guide for managers Ly is wondering about how to manage workers or employees who want to improve the quality of life while still being able to do good jobs.Distributed Teams: The Art and Practice of Working Together While Physically Apart (stool Admission: Art and practical work coordination when working remotely). Author: John O'Duinn.When work far geographically, certain challenges and changes will arise. Awareness and adaptation These things will help you make your company successfully. The book is based on more than 26 years of experience with organizations based in many places of John O'Duinn.
These are actual guidelines on how to work remotely that any leader needs to come in the moment of epidemic.The Year Without Pants (a year does not wear pants). Author: Scott Berkun. The book is a unique view of the company and culture to contribute to its extraordinary success. Scott Berkun, former Microsoft member, did management at Wordpress.com with The leadership role a young developer group is developing new ideas to learn about this.The Year WITHOUT PANTS shares the extraordinary successful secret of WordPress.com from within. Berkun's story reveals deep insights on creativity, productivity and leadership from the working model in the future that can become the model of everyone.Remote Office: The Ultimate Guide to Working From Home. (Remote office: Home work manual) Author: Crystal Reynolds. This book is written on the perspective of an individual who wants to work at home. It also introduces some great tips and tricks to maximize your workspace and become a professional remote worker. You can apply practical lessons from the book and then Transmitted back to people in your team to create a more balance and harmony between work and life.Work Together Anywhere: (working together everywhere). Author: Lisette Sutherland and Kirsten Janene-Nelson. In today's modern global economy, remote work is no longer a new thing. The companies or organizations everywhere are applying benefits from Changing the game when allowing employees to work outside the office and the results are worthy of reflecting. It is a manager who benefits from saving money and resources, accessible to these New talent While employees have more job opportunities, productivity, independence and higher satisfaction - partly by saving travel time. In Work Together Anywhere, Lisette Sutherland, Specialist The world's head on the virtual group strategy has given the full guide to developing a remote working model. At the same time, the author gives useful tips collected from professional experience, comprehensive research And interviews with workers and managers / owners around the world. Besides, the author also provides a complete detailed plan Adjust to optimize the success of the working group.Viet Tu - Luc Linh

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