5 Indicators To Measure The Level Of Success Of The Enterprise’s Erp Project

ERP system is a type of multi-functional management software solution, multi-department helps a business that can be used to collect, store, manage and analyze data from its business. : 00/5: 20N NUYEN WALL: TRG INTERNATIONAL ERP System (Enterprise Resource Planning Systems) is a multifunctional management software solution, multi-department room helps a business, an organization that can be used to collect , Store, manage and analyze data from their business activities, including product planning, costs, production or service provision, marketing and sales, delivery and payment . ERP project can be considered a platform backbone that allows business transformation. Therefore, measuring the success of ERP projects should not focus on the only aspect of ROI (net profit rates on total investment costs), there are still other aspects to measure as Business models, relationships and processes with customers and suppliers. To provide a sustainable, developing business value, businesses need to determine the measures through which the organization can measure the success of an ERP project

. Successful "successful" The definition is "gaining something desirable to have previous plans", meaning the goals need to be clearly defined. Furthermore, the project teams need a monitoring specialist to make sure the goals have been achieved.Do, the next step to do is to identify the goals that the business wants to achieve, based on three The main edge: - Goal - Stakeholders - Time framework: Determining the successful index to measure KPI is the most important indicator for your success? By considering the implementation of ERP according to these Different functions of businesses, they can easily monitor the success of the system related to departments
KPIs will develop according to 5 indicators later.1. Time cycle for manufacturers, cycle time is one of the most important measures because it measures the response speed of the business for customer orders. Cycle time is the time required to produce goods and delivery to customers from the time of receiving the invoice. The faster cycle time demonstrates more effective processes and higher customer satisfaction rates. The accuracy of the forecast of the accuracy needs of the forecast of demand is another important data to measure the success of enterprises when the ERP system has been implemented. Effective ERP solutions must be able to accurately predict future demands based on the actual numbers of the previous quarters. The ERP system can predict and monitor the progress, the more precise predictions, indicating that the ERP system is successful. Other related KPI-related schedules are to comply with the schedule, measure the level of efficiency that ERP allows the company to maintain its production schedule. An effective ERP system should put the expected number and the actual number of production schedules close together
4. Customer satisfaction ERP influence on customers is also another necessary measure. Does the new process bring satisfaction to customers? Is the service getting better and faster? Enterprises can know by listening to customer feedback and the number of new customers or considering customers.5. Labor rights Most companies underestimate how the ERP platform has affected labor while employees are system users. Are they satisfied with the new process? Does ERP allow employees to complete more things in shorter time? What are the companies that have been reproduced more effectively? Identify the specific KPI ERP of KPI to help the companies grow in the long term by giving specific numbers to target. Here are some examples: inventory / inventory and inventory chains - Complete, additional shipment-counting accuracy related to the amount of warehousing and necessary shipments - delivery on time , accurate for customers - duration of implementation (order processing) is shortened in sales performance - Increasing average selling performance - Increasing average profit per sale - Sales development on each representative (weekly and monthly) - Reduce the amount of loss of accounts in accounting lives - Easily calculate the total receivables - predict the receivables in 30, 60 and 90 days in the next - reduce the shortage of items Receivables are overdued, otherwise-related, related parties and time frames are two factors representing people and the process affected by ERP systems. When evaluating and measuring the level of success of ERP programs, it is not possible to ignore these two factors. Related links (Stakeholders): Related factors that are required to be analyzed and monitored: Executive management Parties involved in ERP-internal users, for example: agent H

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