8 Recipes At Home Help Remove Blackheads Extremely Effective

Home formulas with the following natural ingredients will help you repel blackheads and extremely effective skin cleansing.baking soda and water: Dermatology experts for baking soda variables can help re-balance pH On the skin, simultaneously exfoliate and remove dirt, sebum and dead cells. You just need to mix two tablespoons of baking soda with two tablespoons of water to form a mixture, use this mixture to face the face and rinse with warm water. This formula can dry the skin, so please pay attention to moisturizing after applying and only apply three times / week. Week exfoliation at home: brown sugar, honey and lemon juice It is a mixture of exfoliation at home to help you remove blackheads in the nose and chin

. Mix a spoon of brown sugar with two tablespoons of lemon juice and a teaspoon of fresh honey. After mixing, apply the mixture to face and massage according to the circles within 5 minutes, then rinse and apply moisturizer. Trajama tea: Experts say you can apply melaleuca oil directly Tea on the skin affected to remove blackheads
Tra Tea Oil will help kill bacteria that cause acne inflammation. Indian rabies: Turmeric can eliminate blackheads thanks to antibacterial, anti-fungal and antioxidant. Turmeric can often make skin hard to clean, but the foolets will help you avoid this problem. Have a teaspoon of saffron powder with a spoon of water or coconut oil to form a mixture, apply it to face and discharge after 10-15 minutes. Coconut and sugar: Blackheads appear mainly in Nose and chin, but they can also appear on parts of the body. To remove blackheads on the body, you can use exfoliation methods. Experts recommend that you use a mixture of coconut oil and sugar to exfate yourself at home. Appears to peel blackheads at home: peeling blackheads is a method of removing popular blackheads and you can also Self-peeling blackheads at home with milk and honey. Lactic acid milk helps eliminate dead cells and sebums, and honey is antibacterial. Mix a spoon of pure milk with a spoon of fresh honey, then remove the mixture into a microwave for about 10 seconds
When the mixture is cool enough, apply it to the acne skin and put the bleaching cotton clean up. After about 15 minutes, gently peel off, wash the face and apply moisturizer. Green tea: Green tea can help skin reduce oil and green tea with antioxidants. Mix a teaspoon of dry green tea leaves with a teaspoon of water and then use this mixture of face massage within about 3 minutes. Then, wash the face and apply moisturizing. Egg mask: Use a natural mask to be a simple way to remove blackheads. Please beat eggs and then apply it to clean skin. After that, use soft-edged paper on the face and apply an additional egg white layer. Let the mask dry for 20 minutes and then peel off./.CTV Ngoc Diep / vov.vn (translation) TheHealthy

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