New Woman Running By Men, Women Choose 3 This

The important thing of a woman is the beauty. Never rush to sacrifice everything because of her husband and then realize myself for a long time, too ugly.0: 00/1: 14 namtheo chasing his own life a wise woman, when they are always wise Know live and herself first. Smart women they have experienced that truth is that without men, they still live well. But if there is no money, surely life is not easy

. Because it's like a woman who is only loved by children who love the career, it is extremely foolish. Pursuing coins nothing is bad all women. So if you want to have a good life, try to build yourself a solid financial foundation
(Artwork) Pursuing your own passionate everyone has the right to pursue your own passion I myself, too. Don't assume that you are married, giving birth to your baby, you have to spend the entire time for the family, the neglect itself is well. In capital, I was very smart to vun with my family, but besides, they also knew pursuing their true passion. (Artwork) Beautiful women before injury, concerned who was also injured My mind was first. Keeping beauty is a whole life. Only when you have a beautiful, healthy body, then you are now confident, comfortable. Thomes / Breeze

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