Ngoc Lac District Social Policy Bank Ensures Safe And Safe Activities

Do not allow Covid-19 disease affecting customer service, ensuring banking operations are safe and smooth; promote and increase local capital sources as well as other capital sources; Support for disbursement to help the poor and other policy beneficiaries are affected by epidemics to create jobs, expand production as 'dual' tasks to be transaction office of Ngoc Lac District Social Policy Bank (VBSP Pearls) Promote the implementation of effective time. The VBSP Ministry checks on the use of loan capital in Mr. Le Ngoc Cung in Ngoc Minh Street, Ngoc Lac Town. I visited Mr. Le Ngoc Cung's family, in Ngoc Minh Quarter, Ngoc Lac Town, one of the newly disbursed households in the process of manufacturing and trading in the difficult areas of VBSP, knew that the Bank promptly Ngan to his family 30 million VND According to the program for lending to lends the production and trading in difficult areas to buy reproductive cows and plant more than 200 orange trees

. With 50 million VND to borrow according to the near poor household program, the fine wooden furniture factory of Anh Nguyen Van Hai is also in Minh Ngoc Street, Ngoc Lac Town, still ensuring stable operation. Mr. Hai said: with 50 million VND preferential capital of VBSP Ngoc Lac, the family has entered enough materials for long-term production
And Mr. Tran Xuan Lai, Chairman of Cao Ngoc Commune People's Committee, said: It is now nearly 500 poor households and other policy beneficiaries to borrow capital VBSP, with outstanding debts over VND 20 billion. Loan sources ensure the right subjects, helping households to invest in developing production and business to the end of July 31, the debt balance of VBSP Ngoc Lac reaches nearly VND 480 billion, with 11,425 households with outstanding debt. Many programs have high outstanding loans, such as: poor households, households have just escaped poverty, near poor households, student loans, students ..., credit quality safe and effective. Preferential credit capital has been disbursed promptly, quickly, fully, has created conditions for poor households and policies in the area of investment in production and business development effectively, stabilize life , rising to escape poverty. In hand in hand, VBSP, Ngoc Lac district actively builds a plan, the scenario of disease prevention and control to ensure smooth and safe operation. At the same time, closely coordinate with the government, socio-political organizations to monitor and seize the damage caused by the impact of the epidemic, thereby taking measures to support and remove difficulties and help customers Restore production and business
At transaction points, the bank coordinates well with the locality to create maximum favorable conditions for customers to trading; At the same time, arrange officials and guardians to ensure the safety of the Department of Translation for transaction activities. Dong Ho Minh Hoan, Director of Ngoc Lac Bank VBSP, said: next time, VBSP Ngoc Lac continues to focus on disbursement of preferential credit programs ... simultaneously, coordinating with the Board of Representatives of the Board of Directors of VBSP Ngoc Lac actively arrange entrusted capital to the bank to disburse to meet the demand for loans Job creation of policy beneficiaries in the area. Go and Photo: Minh Ha

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