Once The Enemy, Why Russia Comes To Open The Ability To Cooperate With The Taliban

While many countries are trying to clean up the embassy and evacuate citizens from Afghanistan, Russia remains the same state. Russia has long prepared for the appearance of the Taliban in Kabul. The Russian team participates in joint exercises with Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in August near the border Tajik-Afghanistan. Photo: Reuters When the Afghan government collapsed last week in Kabul, the United States and the West accelerate the evacuation effort, hundreds of Russian armored vehicles and cannons are showing clearly that a few hundred miles, on the border With Tajikistan. It's part of the exercise, which takes place only 20km away from the Taliban position

. "They were there, to clarify [stance]" - General Anatoly Sidorov, commanding the forces to join the exercise to say - "All are clearly visible. They don't hide anything. " The exercise showed that, it will now be Russia - Central Asian guardians from the risk of potential violence at the gateway
In the competition of power and prolonged post-Soviet period in Central Asia, sometimes Also known as the "new game", a superior player has ever appeared from Afghanistan's chaos and mess: it is Russia, at least in security issues. ("Great Play" - "The Great Games" is a political and diplomatic confrontation in most of the 19th century and early 20th century between the British Empire around Afghanistan and territories Adjacentenging in Central South Asia) on August 17, Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, claimed to NATO and US forces withdrew from Afghanistan: "This is a group of countries on the road very difficult when words Removing positions in the world they are familiar for decades. "Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, in Moskva last month. With the US withdrawing from Afghanistan, Russia has a greater influence in Central Asia. Photo: New York Times Russia strengthened its position in Central Asian security issues to be part of a larger change from the Taliban's power rise. Russia, China and Pakistan can achieve influence in regional problems with the withdrawal of the West, while the US and India give Lost.Alexander Cooley, Director of Harriman Institute at Columbia University (USA) , commented: "It is an area that is turning me without the US" for Moskva, the US's chaotic withdrawal is a propaganda over the global scale. From Latin America to Eastern Europe, Russia has scrambled in influence by asserting that unable to trust US. Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council, recently warning that American friends in Ukraine can soon be disappointed
The rapid collapse of President Ashraf Ghani government is also a testament to the construction strategy Building a long-term diplomatic relationship with the Taliban with the Taliban, despite the former enemy relationship in the 1980s, during the Afghanistan civil war. When Western diplomats run away from Kabul this week, officials officials Russia has stayed, and the Russian Embassy is ensured by the Taliban. "They created a good impression with us. They are kind people, well-equipped, "Russian ambassador in Kabul, Dmitri Zhirnov, talking about the new Taliban protection force of the Russian Embassy. At the most recent meeting of the Taliban in Moskva In July, this group committed that their military benefits would not be a threat to Russia or Russian benefits. Moskva has hosted many rounds of negotiations with the Taliban despite formal, this group is still on the list of terrorist organizations banned with Russia and any contact with the Taliban are likely to become a crime Pham. Soviet volume withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989. Photo: Ministry of Defense Russia / Aparkady Dubnov, a Russian specialist in Central Asia, describing the Russian government strategy in building a relationship with Taliban-based relations "utilitarianism". Analysts said that the Kremlin wanted to protect his interests in Central Asia, and wanted to avoid unstable and dangerous terrorists spread through the "front yard" area. Russian exercises with Central Asia In terms of another aspect of the country's strategy, a force oyster to show the willingness to punish the Taliban if they are too limited. Daniel Kiselyov, Fergana editor, a specialized Russian newspaper page About Central Asia, said: "You can talk to the Taliban but you also need to show them a fist". Afghanistan, Russia still faces fierce competition from "diplomatic debt" policy And China's "infrastructure diplomacy" in Central Asia, a focus in Beijing's belt and path. On August 18, China and Tajikistan had an anti-terrorist exercise. However, Russia's security presence is still mainstream. "The large military footprint that the US established in the old Soviet Union countries in Central Asia, facilitating the troops to Afghanistan, disappeared. Edil Baisalov, the Kyrgyzstan Ambassador in the UK, a brief comment in the interview by phone: "The wonderful moment of the United States in Central Asia has drifted qu

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