People Who Picked Up The Bottle In Ho Chi Minh City Divided A Charity Rice With Pet Dogs

When it comes to a rice with charity, Kim Thao several times to meet the man picked up the bottle with his pet. She was impressed when he san all the food for the puppy, and he only maids rice than instant: 00/3: 35 nam 0000: 00/00: 24 who picked up the bottle in Ho Chi Minh City divided the charity rice with puppy Knowing that the man picked up the bottle often divides the rice rice with a pet, Kim Thao sent him 2 boxes to both owners and puppies to eat well. Near for 2 months, every day, Kim Thao (MC) Teams in the group of "Kitchen Sisters" regularly donate thousands of rice rice for difficult people, homeless people throughout Ho Chi Minh City. Those times, when I went to invite my children to Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Kim Thao met The man picked up the bottle with his dog. She was impressed to see the man san half a piece of rice, giving up the food for the puppy, and he only eats rice

. "Several times, I sat back and talked and asked him to less. He is very gentle , Less said. He said: 'I eat anything, I can eat white, I can separate the dog
It likes to gnain the skin anymore, give it food to have nutrients'. See pictures And the story so beautiful, so I asked for him to record, spreading the positive energy to everyone, "Kim Thao told Zing. The man picked up the bottle that always shared the rice with his pet dog. Knowing the story of the person who picked up the bottle, she sent 2 lunch boxes to him and the pet dog was all eaten. Many people who looked at the image would feel pity to the bottle, but when directly Talking to him, Kim Thao only saw cute and fun. "While this is like this, there are still four-legged friends, he considered a big joy". Kim Thao every day cooked 2,000 yields Rice given people difficult. Gradually, thanks to the contribution of many sponsors, the group also donates food and necessities to the need. "The slogan of the kitchen we are 'inviting Saigon relatives to eat', meaning me to bring the mind That's going to invite people to eat, not charity people, relatives can receive or refuse. Food kitchen food for everyone, just like when people are full of food, they are sent, not called it Is a relief "
Kitchen and sisters have donated thousands of rice lunches to difficult people throughout Saigon.Cin to invite both dogs and cats to go throughout Saigon to give rice to difficult people, Kim Thao caught many sentences Beautiful and emotional stories. When she saw a special situation, she often asked permission to share to the community. "I only updated the actual situation of the difficult person, so that if anyone can help, it's a supportive arm. I don't Trying to write smoothly, the committee makes people pity to them. What we aim for are kindness and love between people and people in the epidemic like this ". One time, when going to play with Ms. Ha Khi Trinh, a member of the stove, Kim Thao met her black, a person who picked up the bottle was about 70 years old. His car was damaged, he had to take 2-day sets. Meeting the rain, wet clothes, I just kept pushing again. I often parked in An Dong market, sleeping right on the car designed to be sure. And the black pole is a pet dog named Manh. Seeing strangers, depression still wagging tangled tails, very good. "I kept raising once 3-4 dogs, but at the same time they ran wide and were caught by people, now every child next to him . Luu Manh dinner with your uncle, a box shared together. I would like to spommission magic power, let the kitchen sow not only invite my relatives, but I invite both dogs and cats ". Black have" friends Four feet "companion. Other times, the group meets her mother and son, lives with a bottle veil. Just saw Kim Thao stop inviting rice, she showing off a small cat left under the bridge. I bought milk to 8 thousand dong and put it. "My baby was 10 years old and pretty, but not yet literacy. Baby wandering from the baby until now, learning is a luxury. Story, folding her arms, the bar, her daughter, the cat, the cat. I felt my love nature, not to mention the mind covering the brought. Some days the wind is rained, two mother and mother hit the wind, catch the red wind, too, too much, ", drafted. Before the situation of epidemic outbreaks and stress in Ho Chi Minh City, Kim Thao's group not only gave rice to difficult people but also distribute drugs The patient, calling for the coffin support for the family loss of relatives. Mother of the child and the kitten has just picked up. The scope: NVCC

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