Rhinocolura Prison: Horror Legends And Unexpected Facts

About 3,000 years ago, Egyptian rulers made a 'Humanitarian Solution' punish scary criminals.0 of the year. . It was a sinner nose truncation and arrived in the Rhinocolura prison on the desert adjacent to Israel. Giant PrisonerRhinocolura is the Greek name of a half-real half-legendary town of the legend between Egypt and Israel

. It means "cuts". According to the discoveries from Egypt, Rhinocolura can be built in 1300 BC. The Pharaoh here uses it as a huge jail, locking offsers after convicted
rhinocolura is surrounded by 500m long wall, 1m thick and 15m high. The Egyptians called it Tharu. Interpretation of Horemheb (1319 - 1292) is likely that Pharaoh initiated Rhinocolura. He took the sentenced people here, pressing the wall to detain them permanently. Before being taken to Rhinocolura, all prisoners were cut off their noses. This is a punishment and cruel identification, done since ancient times around the world. The earliest record of nasal cutting may be in Hammurabi Code (1755 - 1750 BC). Initially, it was used as a form of punishment for women who committed an ancient adultery. Usually applying a nose with theft crime. They take it in the clay slab to save the documentation of Horemheb's rules
The content is "Pharaoh has a great criminal suppressing method. This is cutting their nose and then entering Tharu ". Horror punishment (1319 - 1292), Pharaoh initiated Rhinocolura building. The nostril is a severe sanctioning form. With non-nasal faces, Egypt sinners do not have any social entry opportunities. Although there was success of hiding out of the rhinocolura wall, they didn't have a shorthy place. Just detect non-nasal people, ancient Egyptians immediately reported. Soon, the Egyptian soldiers came, arresting the defection of Tharu into the Rhinocolura very poorly in Rhinocolura. It only has a few dirty wells and short coasts. Prisoners without nose in the city have to survive by breaking net knitting, catching fish in the sea and hunting birds flying in the sky. For them, hungry is daily stories. Many guys "acquainted old roads", back to robbing but nothing to rob. Egyptians are extremely scared of cutting nose, throwing into Tharu citadel. In 1155 BC, Vuong Phi Tiye, Queen of Ramesses III (1186 - 1155 BC) and Hoang Nhi was Pentawer (1173 - 1155 BC) assassinating this Pharaoh. They cut Ramesses III when he was sleeping, causing him to lose their lives immediately. The detouring, Pentawer was sentenced to death and Tiye cutting his nose, exiled into rhinocolura. Before being taken here, she was committed suicide. This remissible is better to die with the committed person and the face is no longer the nose. Rhinocolura is 15m high, 1m wide and 500m long. With most cultures around AI Counter, rhinocolura is a familiar name. From Greek, Roman scholars to ancient Jews are more or less mentioned "into this nose". Records, rugged rumors are more inflated, turning Rhinocolura into the most terrible "hell hell". In the 2010, archaeologists discovered Rhinocolura ruins. It is located right in the Tjaru desert, but not "earthly hell" but the "invincible fortress" of the New Kingdom of Egyptians (1580 - 1080 BC) .Although, Rhinocolura has been called "To the nasal cute" with population only criminals, these punished people did not let go of life. They use the chance to escape the death penalty on the construction of walls, turn Rhinocolura into a massive fortress, the East Egyptian Language, preventing the Persian troops from attacking. Timely, Rhinocolura is notorious "the highest wall Egypt". In addition to impressive height and thickness, it has a 20m high tower system, convenient observation of four sides. And yet, it has a series of water reservoirs, ensuring the supply of fresh water for soldiers to use all year round. Thousands of years, Rhinocolura plays a rampage to protect the East Egyptian border. It is one of the most important frontlines, visited by Pharaoh's lives regularly and has never been in every time, the reality in Rhinocolura is still extremely harsh, brutal. There are things, prisoners who lose their nose here have not lived nonsense life. They leave a lot of great knowledge, for example, the books written about ancient Egyptian military architecture, public-player strategy, defense lessons ...

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