
Short story: Hoang Khanh Duy0: 00/6: 17 Nam-alone I sell the boat to go to England, take money on the shore to buy the land of the house and live. Under the boat, I live vulnerable. I want to tell my wife, my house on the boat. Life is familiar, what's wrong with. But then again

. Tuan always cedes his wife. Getting me to live on the boat was disadvantaged for me. At that time I said my father, I didn't listen, taking the guy Tuan not a bird's battle land, the hut, she didn't even dream of two golden hearts
I argued with my words. I followed Tuan, accepting the life of the rice market. I am on this small boat are also two, three years of net, around selling sticky rice, oil, fish sauce ... A pair of times I misses to the shore, Tuan takes you to the shore so I go back to walk . I wear a blue blue suit, a high legs. Looking at me, Tuan thought I was a girl in the new urban area, and was still knowing how to walk down boats. I want to go to the shore, and Tuan still wants to stay in the river. Tuan did not want to leave the small boat because Tuan towards the river
The river has raised big tuan. In the past, cheeks often taught Tuan swim on the river during the western sunshine. Cheeks say, living on the boat must swim, miss to the water and live. Five months passed, the old boat was defeated in the riverbed during the storm season. Cheeks sink according to the boat. Cheeks are somewhere under the river, Tuan dunes down several times, where the boat sank in the past, but did not find the shadow of cheeks. Cham cheets into water, into rivers. The cheek souls advertise on this strange line. Thinking so, Tuan did not leave the cheeks away, away from this boat. The number of golden Tuan's gold is enough to buy the land, keeping the house not too big but there will be a puzzle of the house to grow vegetables, there are puppies in the summer to the rainy season. But far from cheeks, Tuan did not know what she went to the ground. I often sit in front of your hair with my soul, so I don't have a lot of things, the comb drops into the water, but I don't goodly, just strok my hair. I don't know swimming, so Tuan keeps me like keeping a child. I laugh: "The tiny boat, just heard the smell of aroma is enough to know if I still sit on the boat, can you go where you have to keep?" Tuan laughed, that smile over time did not change. The sunshine smile that the girl on the shore ever died was tired, put all to go to the boat. The front was the river. I still don't want to go on the shore even though you have suggested. I said my cheeks were dedicated, my ancestors were under the river also felliginally. Perhaps Tuan just wanted her life forever everything lurched in the river, did not know the feeling at the floor, riding a car, living in towns. Tuan did not answer, I said it was tired. I pulled the shining, lined the blanket under my back to lie. The days of the wind of the wind often or their back pain, Tuan massage for me with a waste soaked with a wormwood. The boat of the boat like a hammock, doesn't make me pleasant at all. People often dream about the land, about the house and the children. Tuan growing vegetables, I cook, take care of me. Green vegetables, I cut off the market. I have a lady's appearance, but wholesalers are very happy. I do anything, exempt from Tuan Don't make me return to the river. I'm afraid of storms, I am afraid of big water nights, listening to the barrier outside the boat that your heart seems to jump out. I'm afraid I will be like my cheeks, will remove the body under this river. Cold. Amazingly. There is a habit of having a habit of a soil bag every time you go back and forth for the restoration. Going to the boat, I often sat watching the ground bag, bringing up the nose, the smell of aromatic land, fragrant than the smell of aromatherapy children. Ghe Tuan passed the small neighbors, then the construction sites and roads with a busy car. I sat on the shore, dreamily. Do you think these cars will go? Then I met a person who was the chief engineer of the construction site. He said you are beautiful, but it is not suitable for Lake Lake this. This land is sad, the river is dangerous. Sun shining my skin. The wind frost made her skinny shape. Then I will become an old woman before the age, wrinkled skin, all day of the rice money, fish sauce, sweet flour ... I have to bear it? Some sayings make me think well. Do you have that? I don't have to give this boat, for the water to the water. Unlike Tuan, I'm not the person of the river of the water, do not receive aquariums to ancestor of meat. Tuan was sleeping for a long time. The night of the water river, the wind leans into the boat door, making me cold. I pulled the blanket across my chest, sighed. Suddenly your eyes with water ... the lines drift away, endless. The river connecting the river, the events of each other about the place where no one knows it will be happy or sad, peaceful or thunderstorm. The morning Tuan sat in front of the hissing ghe. The boat anchored in the hospital. Called whereainer because the two sides growing the whole tree, the fruit is sour, the fruit is fragrant. Tuan didn't say anything, silence. His eyes were casually but his heart was treated as a wave last night as a boat shook a few times. Your cheeks ask where your wife goes to Tuan, Tuan just smiles: "My wife goes to Shore

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