‘sale Hunting’ Puts 2 Toaster, Who Suspectedly Pressed Wrong, Now Received 222 Units

A person in Canada enlisted the Sale Occasion to order two toaster. But it must have dialed the wrong number, so the consequently shocked she was shocked when she saw a car carrying 222 toaster to me. Another memory experience for sisters to love 'hunting Sale'! 0:00 / 1: 27nam northerly, while hunting Sale, who is not in a hurry, don't press quickly, to quickly switch to "hunting" dishes other. This person must also have something to get a lot of products more than 200 times he wanted to buy.Betty Swaffer, doing at a pharmaceutical store in Dartmouth (Nova Scotia, Canada), taking advantage of the promotion Style "reservation is discounted" and ordered 2 baked machines

. Then she was surprised when the cargo truck came with the numbers of the toaster she used for a lifetime. Betty tells: "When they came, it was unimaginable, they kept their row out of the car, and then turned back to the car, and again the row out of the car". Betty's pharmaceutical stores are temporarily like a store selling toaster More noodles
Photo: Betty Swaffer. That's when Betty realizes that when ordering, instead of pressing 2 once, she pressed three times again. As a result, she ordered 222 baked machines. Betty admitted that she did not check the order and this was her fault. Therefore, she called the supplier, however, they said they could not get back the goods or cancel the application because they didn't do anything wrong, and Betty still had to pay enough money. "So I'm stuck with 222 machines Bake bread "- Betty boredom said it, she posted a sad story (with many people who were sad ... laugh) on his social network, with the hope of selling cheap machines for $ 13.99 Canada (about VND 250,000) each
Betty and daughter try to sell bread. Photo: Betty Swaffer.In 2 days, Betty sold 30 units, she said that someone who bought dozens of units to do charity. Star, now Betty is still nearly 200 more machines for sale and she recounts the sentence Story with a reminder of people: "Don't be subjective, always have to check the things you do." Please contact many sources

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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