Samsung Uses Artificial Intelligence In New Exynos Chip Design

Samsung has confirmed that the company will use artificial wisdom (AI) to create its new chip, particularly they will use new software from Synopsys, a leading chip design software company. People Samsung's speech has confirmed with WIRED that the company is using Synopsys AI software to design its Exynos chip. However, the company does not disclose specific processes of whose designs have started, or which products will be equipped with this chipset. Samsung is one of the first chip design companies Using artificial intelligence, other companies like Google and NVIDIA have also discussed the design of Ai. Vai last month, Google researchers described the use of who to arrange components On the chip Tensor that the company uses to launch AI programs in its data center

. Google's next smartphone, Pixel 6 line, will be equipped with customized chips produced by Samsung. Samsung and Google, other companies are also studying AI-based chip designs, including Nvidia and IBM . After that, there is Cadence, a competitor to Synopsys, is also developing AI tools to support design mapping for new chips
The current artificial intelligence approach is used by Synopsys And all other companies use a machine learning technique called enhanced learning to find out the design of a chip. It involves designing an algorithm to perform a task. This technology can automatically create the basic components of a design, including the position of components and connect them with each other, done through simulation and understand what designs bring the best results. Tran Tran

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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