San’s Marriage Of Sy Luan With A Less 12-year-old Teacher Wife

Sy Luan attached to Phuong Thao - a teacher, MC since 2013. There is a pile of peppermen but Phuong Thao has not been accepted by her mother-in-law. Newest here, in a gameshow, Sy Luan shared that his mother still Not yet accepting Phuong Thai is a daughter-in-law. In fact, when dating, Phuong Thao is not unknown to the family of Sy Luan so both broke up many times. Photo: VietNamNetTay, on TV waves, Sy Luan's commune sent an apology to her mother-in-law because of the words during anger, causing her to hurt and hope to receive forgiveness

. Photo: ZingPhuong Thảo Luân 12 years old, is a MC, English teacher - Chinese. The couple began to know each other in 2013. Because of the conflict, Sy Luan and Phuong Thao secretly dating until 2019 to publicly open relationships
Photo: Plón 2/2020, Phuong Thao gave birth to the first daughter of An Nhy. Four Londent shared, he always loved and true woman commune. The time of pregnant won, loving his wife very miserable, struggling, Sy Luan worriedly, comforting for his wife to stabilize the psychology through the crisis during sensitive pregnancy. The male singer has even cried when she saw his wife with a child with nearly 4kg still trying to be born as the greater girl's girl. Southern singer shared, the baby was naturally a huge motivation for him to work, to continue to live and energize. From when I have children, Sy Luan doesn't have time to take a break because they have to take care of their children. A program, Phuong Thao shared, she felt a much lucky herself because there was a family, husband and friends always on the side. There was a common child but the wife of Sy Luan still has not held the wedding . In an interview with Zing, male singer who came on marriage: "Actually, marriage is just an excuse. The marriage paper is also a form
It is important that the attitude, sincerity, love Love, beliefs that both are for each other. My upcoming wedding will take place at the 5-star hotel. The party only displays vegetarian and tea dishes. I want it to be an opportunity for everyone to give each other good things Beautiful. My wife likes to celebrate the marine wedding for romance ". See" Video "Wire" Wire River participates because you deserve ". FBNVThu Chrysanthemum source

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