Secrets Shocking Pregnant Mummies In Thuy Thuy Hoang Grave

In the tomb of Qin Thuy Hoang, archaeologists have found dozens of remains of non-Qin, female supply. They pay special attention to a mummy of pregnant women by skepticism that the child has not been born is the king of Qin.After discovering Thuy Hoang Tomb in Shaanxi Province, China, archaeologists conducted many declarations Errasion and have important findings. Besides the terracotta army, archaeologists find some remains in the tomb of Qin Thuy Hoang. According to experts, these videos belong to the non-frequency, female supply to carry out mem pursuits when the king of ice

. In when some people voluntarily stressed, many people are killed in the tomb to go The other world continues to serve the frequency of Thuy Hoang. So some remains found by experts in the posture are headed, the arrow plugged into the skull and hanging. Thereby, they can see that they have experienced painful death
Experts are extremely unexpected to find a pregnant mummy in a thousands of quadruples. From here, many people raise the question of whether the child in the belly is the children of the famous king of history.When is alive, in the harem of Qin Thuy Hoang with many non-frequency, beautiful beauties. The fact that he charismed and had a beauty could be difficult to have accurate information. Some experts doubt the mummy mummies on the children of Qin Thuy Hoang. Because King Qin died suddenly, 2 mother and daughter were killed in the kingship war. According to historical records, Qin Thuy Hoang has two famous sons: Binging and Ho Hoi. After King Qin Bang Ha, Ho Hoi struggled with Thai monk Million highly fake a false caught the brother who had to be killed for any money. Later, Ho Hoi posted the throne to the Qin Thuy Hoang.Hui, which could be the person who ordered the murder of the king who was pregnant with the children of her father declined because of fear after the child was born can be dangerous Dangerous to his throne
Therefore, Qin Thuy Hoang's son killed his brother right from the womb. This is just a hypothesis. To decode the mystery of this pregnant mummy requires professionals to conduct research and examination of DNA ... to have the most accurate answers. Readers Watch Videos: America and China Stress in the senior dialogue. Source: VTV24. English (TH)

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