Signingly Embarrassing The Sister Discovered That I Liked It

Because of damaging the shirt that posted only, Thanh Van is extremely worried. She tried to be gentle and gentle to him so much that it was possible. Not to sign only to wonder for a long time, Thanh Van brought him a shirt with a large stain. To save the shirt and save themselves from the wrath of Duy Duy, Thanh Van tried to draw funny images on Austria. Dang Dang caught Thanh Van had to compensate the spiritual loss for him and delivered the shirt to the bar Cloud

. Thanh Van was worried that she had to compensate for the spirit for the revenue, she brought the shirt to give it to My Ngoc.Thanh Van. Photo: Golden Lota One of the other time, saw him two looked at his sister smiling, American Ngoc was thinking: "You like you two," made it only embarrassed and immediately wiped down
Get back to My Ngoc. Appointment with the help of the last time, Thanh Van carries a severe heterosexual to see a lover. Khiem opened the story by apologizing when he was jealous because he met Thanh Van to go with Duy Duy. Because of jealousy, angry, Khiem drank too drunk and overnight by the friend's house. Sorry sorry Thanh Van because of misunderstood, jealousy. Convinced words of humility and most of them are love and The trust that Thanh Van is always for lovers who have made Thanh Van's consumption dissipated in a moment. Love is filled in this love girl's heart. Despose. To make up for sadness and misunderstanding in Thanh Van's lap today, Khiem wants to take a lover to watch movies. It was not happy to be happy, I called the phone thanks to Thanh Van to comfort my American to help me
Very loving My Ngoc so Thanh Van hurriedly returned to even a bit sad. Than Van Van is so but Khiem is a person suffering. The mysterious mother of humility encourages and encourages boys not allowed to stop by in addition to Khanh Tang, only Thanh Van has made him open this chess.The Khiem. Thanh Van's love on gambling? Invite the audience to see the next movement of Vietnamese film gambling love broadcast at 20 hours Monday to Saturday every week on THVL1 channel.

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