Some Human Society Have Lived Underground?

From the ancient tombs to modern subway stations, people always go underground for a short period of time. But ever whole society of humans living underground? 0: 00/0: 00 Southern region answer is yes, but in history this only happens in emergencies and when they are not Another option. However, in recent decades, it has begun to change.Will Hunt, the book author "Under the ground: History of men of the world underneath our feet" - said: "Biologically, physiology, our bodies are not designed for underground life. However, there are human moments who have withdrawn to the ground to live "

.Theo Hunt told Live Science, in the absence of materials to build houses, people dug underground houses. In places with harsh climate, they go under the underground in the summer to keep cool and in the winter to keep warm. The ground is also a safe place to hide the enemy
The ancient people have built the famous underground cities Cappadocia, where today is Turkey, to protect itself from weather and war painting. Residents of the city retreated to the ground in emergencies, but they weren't there for a long time, perhaps about a few weeks each time. One of the largest underground cities in Cappadocia is Derinkuyu, dating back to The seventh or eighth and may be the accommodation of about 20,000 people, according to Atlas obscura.Theo National Geographic, localities - Physics recently discovered a city in the area with an area of about 460,000m2 and yes Cites depth to 113m. If it is discovered it is correct, the city is about 1/3 of the Derinkuyu. The underground cities of Cappadocia are a "architectural wonders". Will Hunt said Cappadocia's underground cities are an architectural wonders with deep plugs down to groundwater, there are holes leading to the surface to act as ventilation axis and also have protective layers preventing from Outside people invade. However, not all underground houses are as complicated as in Cappadocia. According to Smithsonian magazine, even in Australia today, in a town named Couber Pedy, about half of the population live in The "peach tunnels" or deepen holes into the hillsides. Many people with poor lucks find shelter under the surface of the abandoned infrastructure of modern cities
Hunt adds that this number of "mouse" in New York is less than in the 1980s, but perhaps more than 1,000 homeless people live in tunnels below the roads of the city. Homeless lives in the tunnels under Las Vegas below. And the large orphan communities live under the streets in Bucharest, Romania. In fact, the underground is not yet proven to cause negative psychological impacts, as long as the light, size Room rulers, ceiling height and other physical properties of the context are suitable for the above. For example, technology such as a well, allowing natural sunlight to lighten the underground space by using Applying materials such as reflective paint, can resist depression arising due to lack of sunlight. Looking outside, people can feel isolated with colleagues and they can feel lack of control Control, but these feelings can be handled. However, people still don't like the idea of living underground.

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