Some People Are Not Too Excellent But Succeeded Because They Comply With These Principles

Sometimes the person is unsuccessful because of lack of discipline, while those who only average but comply with these principles that are successful. That is also how to optimize your ability! 0:00 / 1: 54 South China1. Classification of tasks by category: Must do, should do and want to do every day in To-do-list. This will help you not be confused between the nature of the jobs and help you make a job to arrange a job faster. Write down the three most important things to be resolved today

. These are the things you need to prioritize it. The most important things have to be resolved today.3
Don't sa into an email checking, do it within less than 30 minutes, then you have to stop to start shaking hands right into work. Avoid losing the whole session to handle mail while emergency and other important things are still wandering. Ask questions about the usefulness of each thing you will do, remove your hand if it doesn't benefit it. Wondering only wasting time and hinders you complete other useful things. Setting the question about the usefulness of each job you will do.5. Ask this question only can you be solved or can work / share jobs with colleagues? If possible, give priority to work or delegate others to share the job, avoid hugging it and overload.6. Up to the list of things to do of tomorrow morning on the evening today. So the next morning you don't have to take time to arrange and choose any of the following
Opening the list of outbounds is to start right now. Does 1 - 2 creative things at the beginning of the day to inspire and create Da.7. If you belong to the entertainment / innovative / marketing industry, choose to do 1 - 2 creative things at the beginning of the day to inspire and create momentum to work harder. Then follow the folding jobs and choose the most effective working time of the day to handle important things.8. Put specific questions to help you easily categorize and prioritize jobs: Does this help me set the purpose? Is it important with my boss / company / project? Does it make money? Does it make my life easier? Is it necessary to do today? After answering these questions, you will easily decide and arrange them in order. Phuong - Photo illustration from the internet

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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