Spectacular Scenes Where People Cannot Arrive

The spectacular scenes that unmanned aircraft recorded in places where people cannot set foot in 0:00 to 2: 15 South Angel in Venezuela stand deep in the jungle, surrounding the ellis filming house Van Jason is a lot of insect.ellis van Jason said: "These ants have put into the ears, into the nose, even in the inside of my goggles". The Ellis Van Jason cannot move, Mr. Tap Trung to control unmanned aircraft to record in many different angles. Using unmanned flying equipment has appeared for years to help movies and creators content record breathtaking scenes Item in many people people can hardly set foot in

. These unmanned aircraft allow to record a lot of scenes, while flying at extremely high speeds to create faster and paceless videos . "It's like you're a bird. You can fly wherever you want," Ellis Van Jason explained
Video: The image under the Angel Falls, the world's highest waterfall in Venezuel's goal of Ellis Van Jason is Discover the natural wonders of the world, record all the magnificence of each destination. In Venezuela, Og has recorded the moment of his dream, it's the end of Angel Waterfall, The world's highest waterfall. The waterfall with a height of 979 meters and a depth is 807 meters, pouring down the edge of the mountains of Auyan-tepui in Canaima National Park. Located in an Isolated Forest So to move here is a difficult journey, want to record deeply under the foot of the waterfall is that it is almost impossible without a unmanned flying device. Switzerland's original filming also opened an online class about filming techniques with air flying equipment Drive.Julio Carvajal comes from Costa Rica, is one of his students, recently impressing when recording Pacaya volcanic moments is erupting in Guatemala. Great movies take viewers to a 'trip Intuitive 'through red lava rivers. Julio Carvajal said he only had one thing in his head when he made that flight, he said: "I hope I don't lose unmanned aircraft because of the difficult scene" .ellis van jason used The drone unit recording many areas is difficult to go, from Italy's Dolomite mountain to the clear blue waters of Jamaica. After a thousands of hours of research, learning and practice, Ellis Van Jason and Julio Carvajal for Know they plan to explore new lands in the world with unmanned aircraft
Hoang Dung (translation)

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