Sterilization By Laparoscopic Surgery
What is sterilization?
Sterilization is a permanent method of contraception. This is the most common form of contraception in the world.
What is sterilization procedure for women?
Tubal ligation is a method of sterilization for women. In a tubal sterilization, the fallopian tubes will be cut and tied with special ropes. The mouth will be closed by surgical only, or by clamping, or by electric burning on the fallopian tube, or by turning off the fallopian tube by inserting a small tissue implant into the fallopian tube
How is tubal sterilization done?
Tubal ligation sterilization can be done in one of three ways: (1) less invasive abdominal surgery (minilaparotomy), (2) laparoscopy (laparoscopy), or (3) Hysteroscopy (hysteroscopy)
How effective is laparoscopic sterilization in preventing pregnancy?
Laparoscopic sterilization is very effective in preventing pregnancy

Does tubal sterilization help prevent sexually transmitted infections?
Tubal sterilization does not help prevent sexually transmitted infections, including HIV (see chapter "Prevention of sexually transmitted infections"). Therefore, women who are at risk of contracting these diseases during sex should use male condoms or female condoms to protect from the infection.
How is laparoscopic sterilization done?
During laparoscopic surgery, an instrument called a laparoscope will be inserted into the abdomen through a small opening in the abdomen, right at the belly button or near the belly button. Another small opening will also be opened nearby to insert the ligation device. fallopian tube. The fallopian tubes will be cut and tightened with surgical implants or clips. The cut mouth will be closed with special surgery only, or by electrocautery

What are the risks of laparoscopic sterilization?
Laparoscopic sterilization has a low risk of complications. The most common complication involves general anesthesia. In addition, intestinal, bladder, and large blood vessel lesions may occur during surgery. If electrocautery is used to seal the fallopian tube, there is a risk of skin or intestinal burns. Other risks include bleeding in the skin incision on the abdomen, and infection.
Pregnancy after sterilization surgery is rare. If pregnancy occurs, the risk of ectopic pregnancy is higher than for other pregnant women without sterilization surgery.

What are the benefits of laparoscopic sterilization?
Laparoscopic sterilization has many advantages over less invasive peritoneal surgery. The recovery time is faster, and there are fewer complications. It is usually done as an outpatient procedure, meaning you can be discharged home the same day. This method also has many advantages over laparoscopic surgery. Unlike endometrial sterilization, abdominal endoscopic sterilization is effective immediately after surgery.
What do I need to know after a laparoscopic sterilization surgery?
After surgery, you will be monitored for a short time to make sure nothing out of the ordinary happens. Most women can go home 2 to 4 hours after surgery. You need to be accompanied by a family member.

Shoulder pain
Feeling of tightness or pain in the clumsy area
Feeling heavy, flatulence
Sore throat (due to breathing tube placement during general anesthesia)
Most women can return to normal activities within 1 week after surgery.
What should I consider when choosing a sterilization method?
When choosing a sterilization method, the following factors should be considered:
Personal choice
Physical factors, such as weight
History of pathology
Sometimes previous history of surgery, obesity, or other conditions may affect the type of sterilization method used.
When should sterilization be avoided?
You should avoid making choices about sterilization methods when you are in stress (such as a divorce, or a recent miscarriage). You should also not choose sterilization because of pressure from your partner, your partner, or another person. The study found that the number of women under 30 who regretted sterilization was higher than the number of women over 30.
What if I want to become pregnant after having a laparoscopic sterilization?
Tubal ligation sterilization is a permanent method of contraception. So after p. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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