
If you want to go to this house, he knelt in front of me and the children, I don't want kids to don't have a father, he knelt! ... 0:00 / 1: 21 nestras illustrated I'm sorry! - Only apologize to a sentence I forgive, you bastard! .

.. Just a question of a second one this week, your house is always suffocated by war, at hot, cold .
Hai they have more than ten years of life, a boy, a pretty girl, daughter like her mother, son like her father. The economy is quite stable, he has a medium-class wooden workshop, she acts in an agency near home but often helps him to increase income. Nothing if you don't have a close wilderness with a mistress where you shipped, she left her husband. When I heard this news, my wife didn't keep calm, asking him out of the house ... The following days are regret, tormented him, want to heal and return to his wife and children, welding ...- If he wants to go to this house, he knelt in front of me and me Nor do you want kids to don't have a father, I kneel!
.. I'm tilted, knowing I'm wrong, but why can't you do it with her words, to hug two children, then he quietly out of the house with two The white hand, outdoors are dark, go a distance to the fork and he still hears a little girl crying ... calling "Dad to go .." The night collapsed, people saw the man who stepped Low, high steps in night ... I think in affordable lives We really need two word forgiveness, don't you ... according to the village

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