Surpring His 11-year-old Pregnant Daughter, His Father Pulled Out Hit And Regret The Truth

Seeing the stomach of the 11-year-old daughter is growing, suspecting the children to become pregnant in a father who used a whip to beat their children to unconsciousness. However, when knowing the truth, the father was extremely regretful.02 / 2: 15Nam in the south Nanked, the story of the 11-year-old girl abnormally was then beaten to unconsciousness. Of Chinese netizens. According to the Sohu page, the father named Tieu Hoang, is 35 years old this year

. The Turdy has a 11-year-old daughter, currently in class 5. Recently he discovers a little abnormal daughter because of a large day, and hears that at a very stubbornly, many of the classmates feel Fear. Young children love soon and go too the limit to the unexpected pregnancy not to be rare in society today, so the Xuryead began to doubt his daughter with a boyfriend and pregnancy
Thinking so he was extremely angry, so he took the rope to tie again and then use the ROI to hit continuously. When he saw the unconscious daughter, the father rushed to take her to the hospital to check. Here, the doctor said that she didn't have a serious problem. However, she observed her stomach quite big so the doctors handed over to work and tests. Now the truth is exposed. It turned out, in her stomach with a large tumor, not pregnant as father thought. Knowing the truth, the elegant face immediately turned sharp, he felt sorry for the extremely daughter, found himself not a good father. The doctor also scolded the prosperity because she was clearly a daughter I don't ask, I don't know how to hit the child like that. Turtle was regretful for his actions and the daughter accepted forgiveness to him but he still didn't want to talk to his father, at home Nor sad looking at the father. Now the Tieu Hoang doesn't know how to heal her daughter
After posting, the story quickly attracts a lot of interest of Chinese netizens. Most comments criticize the Father's actions, think that he is heartless, the action is hot, refusing to understand the source of the incident. In addition, the netes did not agree with the way of educating children in violence, using the rumors of the Palace. The above story is also a reminder for parents who have their children in pubber then. This is the age of many changes in mind, physiology so parents should educate their children in a subtle way and need to care, listen to the confidences and troubleshooting of children with this sensitive age. Besides, parents need to learn how to restrain the anger to avoid missing or taking violence, making their children hurt. This will create a wound, affecting the psychology to the children and makes the family feelings rift. Flowers (T / H)

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