Taliban Blasting Statue Of Miliary Leaders Of Shia Muslims

AP on August 18 reported that the Taliban had just exploded a Miliary leader of Shia Muslims - who came to the Taliban forces in the 1990s.Abdul Ali Mazari - a militarian leader Under Taliban's hand in 1996. Photo: Hazara-Birar and Ezzatullah Mehrdad was destroyed abdul Ali Mazari - a militant leader under Taliban's hand in 1996, the time of Taliban warriors taking the rights of lords The enemy.ong Mazari struggled to the minority Hazara by Shia's Muslim line - the group of people persecuted under the Taliban force by the Sunni branch. Abdul Ali Mazari in Bamyan Province was exploded by the Taliban

. Photo: Hazara-Birar and Ezzatullah MehrdadShong Mr. Abdul Ali Mazari in Bamyan Province exploded by Taliban, according to AP. Photo: Hazara-Birar and Ezzatullah Mehrdad are known, Shia and Sunni are two branches in Islam
Two branches are deeply confided because of the dispute of Muhammad prophet position. Before being destroyed, the statue of Mr. Mazari was located in Bamyan Province in the heart of Afghanistan. Also in Bamyan Province, in 2001, the Taliban had exploded two giant Buddha statues with 1,500-year-old announcement sculpted into the mountain, Just a little before the US forces led the Taliban to defeat the Taliban. This group confirmed that two statues violated into the ban in the idol in Islam. Linh (TH)

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