Taliban Is Holding Biometric Devices To Determine Who Has Supported The Coalition
The Taliban forces seized the Hiide biometric devices of the US military can scan iris, fingers and faces, helping to identify Afghan people who supported alliance forces.Hiide, stands for phrase set It is detected to identify portable inter-regional identity, which is a mobile device connected to the Biometric Automation Toolkit (BAT), the processing software used by US soldiers to scan threats. Hiide can warn users if a person being checked in the watchlist, signal magazine reported. American gathering biometrics information from a village of Afghanistan in August 2012 A ministry official Commanding special combined campaigns and 3 American veterans told The Intercept that these devices were seized in a Taliban attack last week. If the Taliban has not accessed the data, the love agency The coalition newspaper (ISS) of Pakistan, with the history of close cooperation with the Taliban, can provide them with tools to do it, Intercept messages