Terrorist Is Both Liver Attacks, Slaughtering Syrian Military Soldiers

The Terrorist Group was attacked by the Syrian army near Al-Sholah town, causing a soldier to kill and five others injured.South Front reported, on the morning of August 18, the IS terrorist Raid the bases of the Syrian army near Al-Sholah town, located in the Deir Ezzor - Homs highway. Syrian Human Rights Supervisor (Sohr) said that the attack caused 1 government soldiers to kill and five others were injured. At the same time, the rebels were fired toward the forces by Iran backed in the mountain Mount Al-Bishri, causing a person to kill. The illustration

. The Terrorist IS also attacked the Damascus Government forces near the town of Al-Sukhnah in the eastern rural area of Homs. The fierce fighting between the two sides took place. In the meantime, Russia and Syria continued to conduct a campaign to scan the hidden terrorist gunmen in Central Syria
On August 17, at least 30 air strikes aimed at the rebel group in the outskirts of Al-Sholah and the area around the town of Al-Resafa in the countryside in the South Raqqa. August 18, more than 20 The air is conducted aimed at rural areas in the West Deir Ezzor and the eastern hama countryside. Readers See more Video: Syrian military army attacks IS rebels in South Damascus (Video source: AMN) according to Sohr, Syria's military campaign and Russia's air strikes destroyed 973 IS terrorist gunmen, since March 24, 2019. Although suffering from heavy losses, IS terrorists continue "raging "In the Central Syria region.

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