The Beauty Of 17-year-old Beauty Entangled Dating Rumors

The 17-year-old girl suddenly was interested in many people because of the rumor of the King of Yuzhou Yuzhou. 17/8, Chinese media reported doubt that the Panigan film star was dating Beauty Truong Ky, 17 years old. Attached is a series of 59-year-old actor to play with beautiful people in Aberdeen, southwest of Hong Kong. (Photo: std.stheadline) The star "Absolute Kung Fu" sealed his face when going out with Truong Ky to avoid being discovered

. (Photo: std.stheadline) Chau Tinh Tri and Zhang Xuat Sitting side by side in row rear seats to move out yachts. (Photo: std
stheadline) Two people returned home after going out. (Photo: std.stheadline) Truong Ngan Ky when participating in the preliminary round of Miss Hong Kong 2021. (Photo: Min.News) The rumors of Chau Tinh Tri have a rather chubby body. (Photo: Min.News) According to Hong Kong press, Chau Tinh Tri meets Truong Ky in a party on the yacht for the rich in June and immediately has a feeling for the 42-year-old girl. (Photo: Sina) soon after, the comedy king actively tried and asked the contact's contact. (Photo: Zhang Xuoc Ky is the youngest contestant in the Miss Hong Kong 2021 contest
(Photo: Instagram) The 17-year-old girl suddenly cared for many people when there were rumors dating with stars Chau Tinh Tri. (Photo: Instagram) The age of age between the 59-year-old actor and the 17-year-old love makes their relationship be careful. (Photo: Instagram) Watch the video introduction of Chau Tinh Tri's American film. Youtube / CGV source

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