The Buddhist Church Of The Monks Will Increase The First Volunteer Into The South Against Epidemic

Venerable Thich Thanh Tham has just officially a 10 monks who first volunteer to voluntarily on the way to South to support the first lines of the Panic Hospital in Long An Province. Tuong Thich Thanh Thacay 10 Flaming the road to the south support for the first level of anti-epidemic levels in Long An Province.10 This time to increase this time is a young monk in Nam Dinh province, picked out of hundreds of monks who wrote volunteer applications Male supports anti-epidemic in hospitals in the past time. Duc Duc Thich Nguyen Chinh - Deputy Chief of Office 1 Central Vietnam Buddhist Church - said that after having traffic, Buddhists volunteered Signed in the first level of Covid-19 Translation in the Central Committee of Vietnam Buddhist Church, hundreds of monks who have written volunteer applications into the translation area and doctors in the field hospitals to support patients Covid-19. The Nam Dinh has 63 members to send volunteer applications

. However, the hospital only added 10 people, so 10 monks were chosen to leave the road from the north of the first round in August 17. Previously, more than 100 positions from different religions in the south have entered hospitals to support anti-epidemic doctors. This means the meaning of this volunteer volunteer, Venerable Thich Thanh Tham - The Chairman of the Council Treatment, Vietnam Buddhist Church said: By all love, sharing, with awakening faith and soul, we all sincerely pray for pandemic early Excluded, so that people in the world in general, Vietnam in particular, including monks, our Buddhist believers are returned to normal life, contributing to the entire people in the whole country to continue building the country Vietnam Binh An, Xuong Minh and Prosperity
Also involved in volunteering to organize innovations to increase into the South participating in the epidemic, Vietnam Buddhist Church also donated 10 breathing machines for Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Duong, Long An; It is recommended that the pagoda receives free ash jar, super bridge for those who die for Covid-19; Encourage the pagodas to distribute rice to peace of mind, "Who is there" .Linh Anh

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