The Deadline For Withdrawal From Afghanistan Is Coming, President Biden Unexpectedly To Open Other Possibilities

On August 18, interviewed ABC News Radio, US President Joe Biden said American soldiers could stay Afghanistan after a deadline withdrawal on August 31 to conduct public evacuation People 9: 00/1: 34 Southern President Biden said, American soldiers can stay in Afghanistan after the deadline for withdrawal on August 31 to conduct dispersion of citizens. (Source: Getty Images) President Biden stated: "The American people should understand that we are trying to fulfill this goal before August 31. If we still have a US citizen, we will stay to evacuate all of them out of Afghanistan ". In the context of many reviews criticized the decision to withdraw troops in Afghanistan, drawing the chaotic scene in and Around Kabul Airport, President Biden protected his decision, affirmed that this issue was inevitable when the US ended the intervention that had been 20 years long in Southwest Asia. Taliban is cooperating to evacuate American citizens from Afghanistan, but admitted to having some difficulties in evacuating local people working for the US

. On the day, a White House official said, President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris and national security officials discussed measures to accelerate the evacuation of American people and refugees from Afghanistan.Theo the US government, there are about 4,500 US soldiers currently in Kabul, between American soldiers and the Taliban did not have any aggressive moves. Besides, Washington also said, still opening contact lines between the country's officials with Taliban commanders
In the meantime, the Korean Foreign Ministry announced the second deputy diplomatic deputy of this country Choi Jong -Moon attended the online conference with the co-level people from the US and 18 other countries to discuss the issue of cooperation related to the situation in Afghanistan. (According to ABC News)

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