The German Army Only Evacuates 7 People From Afghanistan, But Bringing The Beer Warehouse ‘ế’ To Water?

According to military sources, in Afghanistan, there was a giant German beer warehouse after the soldiers were banned from using alcoholic beverages. HERE, the social networks of the giant reported, aircraft The military load of the German army to Kabul only evacuates 7 people from Afghanistan, but brings more than 22,000 liters of beer and alcohol to the country. It is about 22.5 thousand liters of alcoholic drinks of the German army Suggested that no recipient was stored in the Marmal camp in Mazar-I-Sharif city. The German team only evacrees 7 people from Afghanistan, but bringing the giant beer warehouse to the country

. (Photo: AP) According to the German troops, before issuing a ban, soldiers are entitled to drink 2 cans of beer every day. However, after issuing the ban, the German military facilitates the logistics issue because they do not know where to leave the excess drinks. Christina Routsi Defense Department, said that the drinks have This alcohol cannot be sold locally due to religious restrictions, which are not destroyed for environmental reasons
Writing before this action of the German army, Berliner Zeitung wrote: "What The Minister of Defense, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of the German Interior is doing is completely failing. People responsible for this issue have transported 22,500 liters of beer, alcohol and administrative procedures related to the entry of previous military helpers. These things are too valuable time. "Also according to Berliner Zeitung, earlier in June, the Green Party filed a petition to expel immediately local workers from Afghanistan to Germany. But the request was rejected. According to Berliner Zeitung, "Of course, the German government not only blames the fact that everything in Afghanistan takes place too fast, but they fully underestimate the political situation here" . According to the latest information, on August 17, Germany announced only the success of 7 people from Kabul on A400M transport aircraft. This is the first German airplane to Kabul airport since the Taliban controlled the Afghan capital on 15/8.The German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer explanation of chaos on the runway led to evacuation failure This. "We face complex, dangerous and chaotic situations at the airport
We don't have much time doing just accepting those who are there, "said Kramp-Karrenbauer, while Reuters quoted the German Foreign Ministry spokesman said that only 7 people were rescued Because the A400m had to leave quickly and many German citizens were unable to reach the airport because there was no protection of the German military. There are 600 German soldiers participating in the evacuation campaign and Berlin hopes to be able to Put more people left Afghanistan in the coming time. Germany is the second largest military force in Afghanistan after the US. Berlin wants to bring thousands of citizens as well as human rights activists, lawyers and people who have worked with foreign forces leaving Afghanistan by air. German Prime Minister Angela Merkel has planned to evacuate to 10,000 people from Afghanistan.Thanh Binh (translation)

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