The Husband’s House Was Compensated By More Than 700 Million Prestige, The Strawberry Occupied, The Strawberry Received A Black Bag, Opening Her ‘silent’

The Sohu Electronic Newspaper Page (China) recently shared the confidences of a netizen on the behavior and the results received by the two daughters in the same family. Let's follow and feel it.02 / 2: 54 South "for the first time about her husband's house, I felt that my husband's family was quite fine, the only thing made me feel difficult As a sister-in-law, she owns a very loud and harsh voice. That I have discovered that my parents are very afraid of his sister-in-law, everything for her to do, obviously meet parents but The sister-in-law talks like I want to cover my head. I haven't been married, my husband has calculated the money, the reason is that my parents don't ask my husband to buy a new house to get a new house

. Rurals should be not very good, it is not even comparable to her husband's house, anyway he is the second generation in the wealthy family thanks to the expiry of the site. As for anticipation, after marriage My five husband's house is a clearance. My husband and wife I work in the city, normal rent houses and not sometimes go home, but my husband and sister-in-law live with my parents, of course know This news was in front of us
The illustration of the property. I know the sister-in-law is not easy to cope but when going home to divide the property, I understand this better. Sister-in-law says they have spent a lot of money for their parents so they have to share more assets, just be fair. My husband's family is divided for two houses and 200,000 yuan (equivalent to 720 million copper). The house has two brothers, of course each person will be a house, nothing has to be discussed, but until the cash is divided every half, the strawberry sister cries, saying that the old family's family pressure , have to raise two children so please let my husband give you all the money. After dividing, the remaining problem is who will live with her husband's parents. , I don't need to take care of her grandmother so I don't need your grandparents anymore. She said so that her husband's parents were with us, later also helped look you. Face with such a sister-in-law, I really saw helplessness and ridiculous, my couple did not object to life with her father Mother's mother but honestly, I also feared that there would be a contradiction. After the sister-in-law was happy to take the money back, my mother-in-law said if we don't want to stay together, they will go out to rent a house
I see if so my parents will be very pitiful, more compensation has been divided by the children, now they don't have a house to go back anymore. Illustration. His grandfather don't think much more, just live with us. Hearing us finished speaking, her mother-in-law took a black bag from the house to give me, I opened it to see if there was a 300,000 currency savings book (equivalent to over 1 billion dong). This she didn't know the house would be lifted so it saved money to buy a house for my husband. Now there was home, grandparents held this money nor do nothing to give it all to my wife. I heard these things don't handle tears, ran to hug my mother and thought again if you This strawberry will know this will be extremely angry.Theo Khanh An / Law

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