‘the Kissing Booth 3’ Of Netflix: Just Hate To See Sympathy With Female Main Elle

The last movie of the movie series 'The Kissing Booth' has waved Netflix. Elle Evans's owner can make viewers hate, but at the same time feel sympathetic. Because everyone can be Elle Evans.0: 00/4: Southern South (Note: The article has revealed movie content) The Kissing Booth (Title Viet: Kissing Boot) is a movie with three parts on Netflix, And the final section has just aired recently. At the end of the previous section, the story stopped at Elle Evans (Joey King) received two invitations of two universities and she didn't know which school she would choose

. The Kissing Booth 3 Continuing from that event, Elle will have to choose a university, enjoy the last summer next to the family, a close friend and a hotboy boyfriend before leaving the house. Alle Evans is a Chinese character Tam of The Kissing Booth. Viewers can see Elle because of foolish actions, but also feel sympathetic to her
Because of the truthful, in teenagers, who didn't have a foolful times made themselves trapped among the options from the first part of The Kissing Booth, Elle was always stuck between two boys: Body from Lee (Joel Courtney) and Hotboy Noah boyfriend (Jacob Elordi). Lee and Elle have a list of friends' rules, in The Kissing Booth 3 They also have a list to do before the teenage summer ends. But Noah also wanted Elle to spend time with himself. So Elle tried to "separate" to be able to do both fun.elle Evans was almost "separate" to spend time with Buddies Lee. Elle's biggest troubleshooting is the choice of university. She still didn't know to go to Berkeley with Lee as they still planned, or to Harvard and Noah. And Elle chose to hide, lie to temporarily not face it. But lies often only do everything badly. And there are private minutes next to him who loves hotboy noah
Theming people loves himelle Evans trying to "break" to just spend time with close friends and Boyfriend, in addition, she has just made more money for college to look for a younger brother. Of course, Elle couldn't be all all, so the trouble always happened. Accidentally hurt the people she didn't want them was sad. Although it was impartial but always a friend who was wholeheartedly because Elle, she would be sad when she broke their lists. Noah loved Elle, but she accidentally hurt him because she did not set the boundaries with Marco - a guy who liked Elle and clearly pursued her. The last summer before Elle's college, Marco returned .In the Kissing Booth 3, Father Elle used to a girlfriend, and Elle showed the attitude against his father's lover. She said I was selfish when I found my personal happiness and forgot her lost her mother. Elle allows me to love, even do everything to cultivate that love, but stop your father to do it. Elle forgot that her father gave up his father's happiness for a long time to take care of his two children, and now he is entitled to seek his own happiness. Foundation to mature the stupid actions of Elle Evans can make viewers Seeing, but at the same time feel sympathetic. By being honest, in the age of young people without foolish times. And there must be mistakes, people learn to adult. Elle can fake, but in the end she always corrects and goes wrong. The final end of The Kissing Booth 3 has gone out of the common thoughts of a romantic movie - for example, ending with one Kiss, like to suggest Elle and Noah will "happy forever". Instead, the film left unavitable spaces, while creating Elle a list of her own ambitions and dreams. It was time for Elle Evans to create an ambitious list and dreams of My own. After spending the whole summer to avoid making decisions about college, Elle realized that while trying to make her loving happily, she lost her own. They are not happy, but too. So Elle did not choose the school for his best friend or boyfriend, she decided to choose for himself. I didn't choose Berkeley and Harvard, Elle found my passion myself and subscribed to the electric game design program of USC for spring semester. No audience can deny, this is the best choice. Can not always be together, but it's not far away, it is mature. The story has not stopped there Route 6 years later, Elle was a game designer with many ideas, her maturity made the audience curious about the 6-year period. Elle and Lee are still close friends, together to the old high school fair, witnessing the students who still build kiss boots as they have done the old days to raise funds. How to celebrate and Noah appeared, now he is a lawyer.Sau 6 years, Elle and Noah meet again at the kiss bok that began their love story. Good or just friends, the audience Can write the ending yourself. A vague promise will drive the motorbike together

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