The Most Standard In July

Five lunar times every year, families often do ceremony for worship, divine spirits and offerings for wandering souls.02: 00/4: 56 namnhi wants to wants to want Buddhist period in July lunar times Giai Tien, who drew in the family, the chanting to the Vu Lan ceremony should take place regularly and should at a certain time of the usual day at two times early in the morning or night. More Public If the person himself chantes distribute from 5 to 10 days or longer depending on conditions. Selection of scriptures to recite is due to each person, each Buddhist, but in respect to the Ministry of Economy, just limited to recite, the results are all satisfied. Normally, Kinh Vu Lan and newspapers will be chosen a lot of chanting at home on the Feast of Vu Lan every year

. When chanting, even at home, the welcome to notice the Buddha's teaching: "Before chanting Wash your hands, rinse your mouth and clothes must be serious. When sitting, standing must keep the body carefully. At the time or kneeling must keep the body seriously, please read the sound just enough to listen
" And the ritual ritual is stated in the first item before entering the text, the chant or Buddhist can follow. The chanting does not need to take place in parallel with the offering ceremony, these two rites can be separated. Usually every family will offer a ceremony in the Vu Lan ceremony on the full moon in July, but chanting It can last longer depending on the sutras or different distribution of each person. For sentient beings, the loveliness is unleaded, the chanting can take place in parallel with the ceremony to worship sentient beings or continuously on the The day in July lunar calendar depending on the conditions of each family. Usually the fertiles are given the attention as a great bi or a super-degree bias in hell. Just sincere to recite days, many places, many people, the hell will have a nice effect.Nhi hitigation for sentient beings, souls Little: in the temple, in the house, in the yard, the gate when you offer PEOPLE'S CEREMONY. Litigation: Chewing to pray for: hell blank, people, people who are extremely born in Buddha Dao .Nam Tissue. "For sentient beings in hell, chanting:" The masses and the same way: from Muoi Kiep Si crazy island with malevoying and killing the harmful person who hurts with others, forgetting to forget hope to be happy The mind like a cut like a crashing to regret the error to redeem hundreds of ten thousand times left the mind according to Buddhist Buddhist Buddha on a growing birthday of every domain of others, please accept the tissue tissue
(1 bowed) Male model from Maitreya Buddha (1 bow) Male Mountain Vuong Bodhisattva's Bodhisattva (1) Nam Mo Dai Bi Quan The Bodhisattva (1 bow) The master's owner: "For sentient beings where hell is in mind that:" The masses are in the same way: Words of the people who are saving the sibling to think about their time, robbery, painting Win to others wear love to cry Than, I am more than a thousand noodles now, I will continue to be repented after returning to Tran Giancon, would like to live completely forgiveness. (Quote in the Vietnamese chemical book called: "Everyday tissue articles "Released by religious publishers to encourage everyone to recite and recite). The Fairy Community of the Fairy Fairies in July Amitabha Amitabha Buddha (3 times). Bow nine directions, ten directions, Muoi Buddhas Muoi Muoi Lost of the Foreign Aquariums and the Community of Huong Linh. (If it is the Nam Chuong family, it must vain: I love the Cuu League of Fairies and the Community of Huong Linh. Originally in ... Credits We are ... Currently the family is living in ... Today is the full moon day in July ... Human encountered Vu Lan on occupation, we remember the ancestors The parents have given out of us to build an industrial, built the background, so far we are entitled to a German sound. Thank you very much, I think the sea heaven is difficult to pay Going to the ceremony, flower flavor, tea fruit, golden gold silver, lit and compressing the mind, the glass on the high-strators, the high-ranked group, the father and death, Ms. di, billions and all the souls In their clan and outbag ... forgiving the mercy of the children, the sacred spiritual, the authority of the goal, receiving the ceremony, blessing for a healthy child, Binh An, Van Tuyen Tien Tien, Van Goodness, Gia Dao Hung Long, towards the Teachers. Besides the Tam Thanh silver ceremony, before the ceremony of the ceremony, bowed to be blessed in the maintenance. The bridge of the Tam Tiem. South Amitabha Buddha (3 Times) Golden Architecture gold code (progress code), it is necessary to read the lesson or also call the mantra to chemize the number of golden code into a real code of the realms. Fake and divine help that money are not bad ã demons robbing.Ot-Lien Ton-fake, great compassionate, trung trung trung hepaturgitis of four maintenance.

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