The Mystery Of The Five-colored River Makes People ‘fascinated Like Cigarettes’

The River Canõ Cristales of Serrania De La Macarena in Colombia is also known as Ngu Sac River. Behind the beautiful river like this fairy place are unexpected and interesting secrets. Serrania De La Macarena National Park in Colombia, Canõ Cristales River is a world famous place known by millions of people known . It is also known as a beautiful name as a five-colored river or the Rainbow River. This name comes from the River Canõ Cristales has a lot of colorful changes in season

. Each time of the year, the River Canõ Cristales will have outstanding colors such as red, yellow, orange, brown ..
This creates spectacular views like fairyland.Theo experts, the reason River Canõ Cristales has such unique colors due to aquatic plants called Macarenia Clavigera. At the time of the season, the river water flows quite quickly. This makes Macarenia Clavigera difficult to absorb light. As a result, aquatic plants have changed colors to create spectacular scenery in Ngu Sac.Do river located in a rather deserted area and almost completely separate from human life, so the River Canõ Cristales Still Keeping a poetic beauty inherent. With the beauty of myaldism, many people see photos of Canõ Cristales river are fascinated and want to set foot at least once to admire the beauty of the place This time until 2009, visitors can visit the beautiful River Canõ Cristales. The reason is because earlier, the authorities are concerned about tourism activities will affect the natural environment of the river. Some local people give or the most amazing moment to see the beauty of Canõ Cristales River It is after the storm. After the storm passing, the River Canõ Cristales will appear the most beautiful colors that make viewers feel attracted
From May 5-12 every year, the number of visitors to the most cristales river. This is considered the ideal tourist season for people to watch this beautiful natural beauty. The readers watch the video: people raise fish cage dung because the river da da shows the bottom. Source: VTV24.gam Anh (according to CNN, LS)

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