The Problems Of Couples Face In Marriage Life

Almost all marriages have many problems. Some couples will overcome these ups and downs better than other couples, but they have the common problems inevitable. In: 00/3: 46 Noudoms are like all of all marriages have many problems. Some couples will overcome these ups and downs better than other couples, but they all have common problems. Although your problem leads to a divorce or effectively resolved, most married couples have similar issues

. Here are some of the most common problems that most marriages encounter. Working research shows even if both spouses work together, women are often more jobs. Obviously, this creates more stress for her
But things are even more stressed in addition to these daily tasks are "psychological responsibilities". In other words, women are expected to remember things like "boys with a doctor's appointment on Tuesday" or "husband has an important appointment on weekends". They were heavied by the point of view that the woman had to know everything in the house. Although women didn't always do more many things, the lack of balance in housework can cause many problems . Finals Some people are people who spend money. Others are savings. So if you get a person who spend money and a savings person together in a marriage, you can see how it will become a problem. Can the development and investment are important It is important for a person, but the other is always interested in costs and breeds. Controversy about money and how to spend money is one of the most common problems in marriage. The difference in children teaching us cannot deny one thing that children sometimes make me stressed
The children bothered, insomnia, hot and rebellious teens sometimes are not interesting, no matter how much you love your child! And that can cause a lot of stress for a couple. In addition, these are different parenting styles, such as small perspectives like a penalty for children can also cause cracks of husband and wife. What is the difference in personality if a person is a person who is in the interior and people Kia is a foreigner, then it is possible that CSO NHWUX LIFE happens when the two of them exchanges outside the society. Foreigners may feel unwanted because the introspection never wants to go Fitting with them. But the introvert may feel abandoned when the foreign gear always wants to trade with others other than their spouses. And this is just one aspect of the difference in personality that can cause marriage problems. The difference in how to communicate can grow a husband or husband growing up in a family that they are loudly angry , while the other half grew up in a family tended to bring his anger inside and would treat everyone with silence. There are different communication styles and expressing emotions when a conflict occurs can be a major obstacle to marriage issues to be thoroughly resolved. Everyone has different sexual needs - Both About frequency and type. Some people like regular sex, while others can live their rest of their lives without it. Regardless of what your wishes are, most couples have problems in this sensitive category.Gen and do not faithful people who often feel insecure in relationships, many people are susceptible to Seduce to negative relations behind your spouse's spouse. So no matter whether someone will deceive or not, jealousy still presses somewhere in marriage. Doubts and negative emotions can someday dominate people who are immersed in love. Boring relationships are always interesting when they are in the early stages. Everyone feels like going on the clouds with continuous sweet things happening. But then the time passed, the new new and immordance began to lose gradually. That happens that many couples fall into depression. Their relationship stalls and seems to become tasteless. Chandon couples always need to try to keep love exist and continue to do interesting things together ./.ctv Quynh Nguyen / VOV.Vn by LifeHack

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