The Vicious Round In The Last 10 Episodes ‘apple Tree Blooming’

After 60 episodes took the audience through many emotional steps, 'blooming apple' has entered the end where the conflicts are gradually removed.0: 00/4: 54 South of the past time, the apple tree series Flowers have attracted many love views, hate mixed from the audience. While 15 episodes are loved, the journey from episode 20 to 50 is controversial for long-term content, exaggerated circumstances, lack of humanities. By the event Ngoc (Thai Hoa) to reveal the getting cancer Gan, Hanh (Hong Anh) welded affection with her husband and backwards to find a liver donor for him, the apple tree blooms officially accelerated to enter the plug-in multiplication in 10 episodes. The characters removed Ngoc need liver to change the relationship between him and the relatives

. Instead of hepatopathic, treasure (Nha Phuong) and Ivory (Truong The Vinh), loudly scolded, blaming the jewel to treat me and left. Only Chau (Thúy Ngan) A zeal to save him but the force of his heart is too small, unable to donate. After many days of Ultrasmark in the enemies, Ivory has found a new life motivation
MONTH MONTH, LUCH LUCH GROUP OF LOVE, CARE OF HANH. Wearing his father's compartment, she decided to beside him even though the future was a longer day than before. For the first time in life, the couple had private moments for each other, even though that happiness now looks like a lights in front of the wind. To escape the chain of the day in pain and regret, Ngoc decided to find the I'm sorry. His sincere sincere touched the surplus and ivory hearts. The liver decided to save him. But to qualify, he struggled to practice under cheering and helping her mother's mother's mother (Lan Huong). Love brother brought to the motivation ivory to change. About the residual, the love of the jewel finally touched his heart. The ceiling man crossed the feeling of the oversea in the family
It was incomplete, or less apple trees blooming pussy answering Ngoc's sacrifices during the past time. Jade can see, maybe not, but the world around him is gradually changing in a better direction. The list of wishes at the end of Ngoc has the first items to be eliminated. The new contradiction has a surprisingly surprising event in the past episodes of the apple tree, which is a sudden. Suggest to donate liver for jade. After the bosses, rejecting the original, Ngoc also gradually, accepted forgiveness for the mother who lived the whole life. See the movie, like a jade, the audience could not doubt her motives of use when wanted Donate liver for boys. The change too suddenly when he was just ahead, she was fearless to bite her cotton hand to run away when he was forced to save his liver. The appearance of her help was tangled. The latest episode of the apple tree blooms, the audience has the opportunity to go deeply to understand the tragedy of her life. This helps the audience look for irresponsible mothers somewhat less harsh. But it did not clarify the decision to save her child but also lay off more conflicts in the future. The game of Ngoc and Hanh also gradually swapped. At the beginning of the movie, I saw the pearl who was worried about blindness for children and almond preventing him. At the end of the movie, she was the one who was willing to repeat her husband's mistake, the decisions once made her life miserable, in exchange for the opportunity to live for him. Besides, the daughter of Ngoc and Hanh Unknown about Dad's disease will also create a new conflict in the last episodes of the apple tree blooming. During 60 episodes, Phuc (Trinh Thao) is always dismissed from the small family conflicts. The discovery of themselves will continue to be dismissed out of the story to win the life of three can be the mind shock The biggest reason for her. The damage is inevitable, especially when the bless has not forgive his parents to "likes to divorce, likes to come together" without caring about her thoughts. ? Although in the introduction of episode 61, the mother and daughter came to the operating room. But it is still too early to affirm that the badge of pearls come here to end. Because earlier, many chances of replacing his liver failed. Only the first plan - Chau and Treasure and donation - is still left open. Because the end of the jewel stops with the surgery to replace the liver. The liver for the jewel will be the first one and the same Since the day of hearts, it is also the only common point connecting two girls with too many differences and contradictions. This is an important detail, it can be said to be decisive to turn on the "family" message of the movie. The nods of the treasure not only rescue the pearl but also forgiveness for his brother and Chau . The sacrifice of a part of the body also shows that she understands his brother's sacrifice and recognizes mistakes. With a character who has lived with a lot of things, it was exposed to 60 episodes such as treasures, the liver donation for pearls was her most positive contribution to the stories. In addition, her liver donation was considered to show Clear in the morning. If Ngoc receives her mother's liver and then discovered hiding behind, he will find it hard

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