The World Race To Prevent Humanitarian Crises, Australia Evacuates 26 People From Afghanistan

In the context of politics and puppet security in Afghanistan, the world race to prevent the great humanitarian crisis here. Australia has made 26 of its citizens out of this South Asian nation. Although the Taliban has issued a commitment to panic to Afghanistan, but constantly calls for safety to ensure people as well. Avoiding the social security system, as well as the collapsed medical medical has been given the past few days. Australian aircraft aircraft used to evacuate the citizen of this country and Afghanistan from Afghanistan

. Photo: Australian Defense Ministry. The Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 Malala Yousafzai, who had been killed by Taliban forces in Pakistan, yesterday (August 17) called on US President Joe Biden and national leaders Protection of Afghan people from the risk of a bad humanitarian crisis: "This is really an urgent humanitarian crisis that we need to help and support immediately. We can't just look at your screen and don't do anything
I have been trying to access many global leaders. I think every country should have a role and responsibility now. Countries need to open the border for Afghan refugees, for those who have to evacuate. "Malala also said she sent a letter to Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, called on him to receive Afghan refugees and ensure security Full for refugees, given educational opportunities to their future not lost. Although the Taliban has issued a commitment to not cause panic for Afghan people, the United Nations has expressed deep concern about The risk of human rights violations for civilians, especially women and girls, as well as people working for government, international organizations or military forces in the country. The leading campaign Emergency of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Afghanistan Mustapha Ben Messaoud said: "Taliban's stance is less similar but we have also noticed small differences, especially in submission related issues Education levels of girls. Taliban's representatives in some areas have expressed support for girls to go to school. "Tens of thousands of people seek to run away from Afghanistan due to concerns of the return of extreme Islamic regime The Taliban was imposed, as well as fear of being revenge by the Taliban for supporting the Afghan government to be backed by the United States over the past two decades. Even before the chaotic situation in recent days, the United Nations said more than 550,000 Afghan people since the beginning of this year had to exhortate due to the consequences of the conflict and security instability in this country. The United Nations Cao Commissioner on Shabia Mantoo's refugee before the same day also urged countries to ban every Afghan person to return to the country after the Taliban forces claim to control the country, Causing a wave of fear covering the capital Kabul: "Before the rapidly declining human rights and security in many large areas of the country and humanitarian disaster is spreading, the United Nations Corporate on refugees Calling for countries around the world to stop compulsory Afghan citizens returned to the country, who were previously identified as ineffective of international protection "
According to the International Red Cross Commission (ICRC) said since In June, more than 40,000 injured in conflicts in Afghanistan were treated at medical establishments supported by the International Red Cross Commission, of which 7,600 people since the beginning of August 2021. Meanwhile, Australia today (August 18) made the first flight evacuation of 26 people including their country citizens and Afghan people out of Afghan Istan. In the coming time Australia will continue these flights. The Australian Air Force Aircraft takes off from Kabul airport out of Afghan airport. Earlier, the C-130 Hercules aircraft stemmed from a military base in the Middle East to start the campaign to evacuate Australian citizens and local people with family members out of the capital Kabul . The Prime Minister Australia Scott Morrison said that in the first flight, 26 people including Australian citizens and local employees who worked to Australia were taken to unified Arab Emirs on 10:45 this morning. There are about 600 people including 130 Australian citizens along with more than 200 former local employees and their family members want to leave Afghanistan, but the number of people evacuated in the first flight is not much. Explain this, Prime Minister Morrison said that this is a complex process involving a lot of problems from the weather, going to the airport, then Translation Covid-19 and especially security issues . "This is not the simple tasks made in several weeks that need to be prepared for months. Because the evacuation objects are people from different regions in Afghanistan. They move everywhere, there are many experiences and can meet many influential people so we need

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