Things To Do On The Full Moon Day In July

What are the full moon day in July to do? In addition to preparing to decree offerings and holidays, what should be prioritized on this day? Should work on the full moon day in July: Visit the grave part of the family in the family to do in the day of the full moon in July. Visit the grave of family members in the family outside the cemetery or in the temple, where to keep the jars of the remains. Should work in the full moon in July: Prepare the chay to be killed. Therefore, the wheels are full of moon rice instead of prioritizing vegetarian wine. Be prepared, vegetarian or fungal nem, vegetable soup, dishes from tofu

... When frying cooks food also use vegetable oil, do not take animal fat
The pure rice tray will help filter the air, remove the yard, the sanctuary. Should work in the full moon day in July: launching the salt rice toddlers themselves. Normally, the owner often offered Buddha, worshiping and divine in the house. However, in the full moon day in July, the owner also needs to offer them in front of the door or outdoors. Some places are also offered at the temple instead of hungry. When offering sentient beings, launch a grip of rice or salt from the house out of the door. This action is like seeing her soul, dispels the gas. Attention, do not throw salt rice from outside into the house, but I have to do the right backstone. Should work on the full moon day in July: Interested that the parents are also an opportunity to remind the children about fierce newspapers mom. On this occasion, take the time to care and ask them more
It can be simply questioned about daily life life. Try to go back to the family and gather the mealside with your parents. You should do it in the first day of July: Fasting, reciting Buddha's, Cau An for ancestors, grandparents, parents, people About purity, no killing and returning to your ego. In the full moon days in July, you are vegetarian and pray for your family, yourself. This helps to be happy for relatives to be happy, family fun, healthy. * Information "Things to do in the full moon day in July" are reference, contemplate. Thao (TH)

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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