Things To Know About Tubal Ligation
What is tubal ligation?
Tubal ligation or uterine ligation is a surgical method that helps prevent pregnancy by using the uterine ligation (uterine tubes help guide the eggs into the uterus monthly). When the uterine tube is constricted, sperm cannot reach the egg, resulting in pregnancy.
Constriction of the uterus does not lose femininity, nor is it the cause of weight gain and development of facial hair. It also does not reduce sexual satisfaction or cause menopause. It is important to remember that tubal ligation does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
How do tubal ligation work?
Tubal ligation can be done in several ways. The uterus will be tightened by tying and cutting

Is tubal ligation for sterilization painful?
Surgery should be insensitive before performing. The four methods of anesthesia are general anesthesia (complete sleep), regional anesthesia (paralyzing from the lower back), local anesthesia (local anesthetic only) and the remaining method is intravenous sedation. The choice of anesthesia method depends on health conditions and the method of uterine ligation.
Once you have local or local anesthetics, there may be some discomfort. Pain relief is carried out with sedatives and sedatives. You are still awake but feel drowsy and only experience a slight discomfort during the surgery

Feelings after surgery
Feelings after surgery will depend on the general health status, type of surgery and pain tolerance of each person. You may feel tired, mild abdominal pain or shoulder pain. There may also be feeling dizziness, nausea, flatulence. Most of these symptoms only last for a few days. Call your doctor as soon as you have the following symptoms:
Bleeding from skin incisions.
Severe abdominal pain, no relief.

When can I get back to work as soon as possible?
It depends on the health status, the work done and the method performed. It usually takes two days to recover from surgery. It may take 1 week to return to normal or more, during which time heavy lifting should be avoided.
Menstruation is still after surgery
It's correct. If your period is irregular before you use birth control pills, your period will also be irregular after sterilization.
As you get older, your period will change. The time of menstruation when, when it ends, the amount of blood will vary. As soon as menopause (usually from 40 to 50 years old), your menstrual cycle is not even whether you have sterilization or not.

When can you have sex again?
Please consult a physician. Do not have sex until you feel comfortable. Usually one week after surgery. It is also possible after at least 4 weeks if sterilization is done after birth.
Do you need the consent of your husband or partner about sterilization?
Not necessary, but it is best to discuss the issue before implementation.
Can the uterus be resumed after sterilization?
If you think you want to have a hysterectomy later, this method should not be used. Hysterectomy is a very complicated surgery, low success rate, very expensive and often not covered by insurance. Even if the uterine tube is resumed, pregnancy is uncertain.

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