Things To Know About Vasectomy
What is vasectomy?
A vasectomy is a surgery that makes a man permanently unable to get a woman pregnant. The two vas deferens will constrict the sperm, preventing sperm from entering the semen.
How to perform a vasectomy?
Vasectomy is usually done at outpatient clinics or surgery centers. The surgery usually takes about 30 minutes, and you will be fully awake during the surgery. The doctor will anesthetize the area at the scrotum, then poke a small hole on one side of the scrotum and find a part of the vas deferens

Contraceptive effectiveness of vasectomy?
This is the safest and most effective method of contraception. Only about 15 out of 10,000 couples get pregnant in the first year after a vasectomy.
Should no vasectomy be used in any case?
Do not have a vasectomy unless you absolutely do not want to have children. Cannot perform vasectomy or be delayed in case of an infection around the genitals or a coagulation disorder.
Can vasectomy be resumed?
There are some cases that can be resumed but the cost is very expensive and is often not covered by insurance. This surgery must be done in the hospital. Although most men can resume ejaculation after surgery, but those sperm are often difficult to fertilize an egg
Preparing for surgery?
On the day of surgery, should wear a genital loincloth (like athletes') and clean genitalia.

Some problems after surgery?
There may be minor pain, edema and bruising of the surgical area. This purple masonry area will fade away after 2 weeks. The doctor will guide you how to monitor after surgery including:
Wear medium-sized underwear or wear an athlete's loincloth to support your scrotum.
Apply ice to help relieve pain and edema.
Rest much.
Limit strenuous activity until you heal completely.

You should feel normal again after about two weeks.
How to use the drug?
Do not use aspirin, ibuprofen (brand names are Advil, Motrin, Nuprin), ketoprofen (commercial name is Orudis) or naproxen (brand name Aleve) within 2 weeks before and after surgery. All of these can lead to bleeding. Take acetaminophen (trade name Tynelol) for pain relief.
When can I return to normal work?
If the job is mostly at the table, you can return to work in two days. If you are doing manual labor or traveling or driving a car, ask your doctor when you can work again.
Will vasectomy be effective immediately?
Is not. Usually will ejaculate about 15 to 20 times before the sperm is clean in both vas deferens.

What are the risks of vasectomy?
Problems that can occur after a vasectomy include bleeding, infection, and usually a mild inflammatory reaction to the sperm because it may be due to sperm leaking into nearby tissues during surgery (called is sperm granuloma). Call your doctor if signs appear below.
Another risk is that the end of the vas deferens will find and re-connect. Although very rare, if it happens, the chances of getting pregnant are very high.
Contact your doctor in case:

Edema does not decrease or worsen.
Problems urinating.
The feeling of a tumor forming in your scrotum.
Bleeding from the incision site and not stopping after you have pressed the spot between 2 gauze pads for 10 minutes
What happens to sperm?
Once sperm doesn't pass through the vas deferens, your testicles will produce less sperm. The body absorbs the generated sperm.
Does vasectomy affect the sex life?
When you recover from surgery, your sex life will not change. Still ejaculating as usual but mostly semen has no sperm, no change in sex life..

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