We are small fish, every day need to be opened. Although writing in any field, this book will help you have more observation skills, add writing materials, with messages to convey, know how to reveal the confidences, and more is a typical formation . Do you intend to become a writer but there are many hesitant, surprised? You want to pursue writing, but I still have a wilderness and don't know where to start from? -Theou-people-writes and constants expect that seeds to crack the shell, root, germinate, the book today must open the birthday is for you, who learns writing and doing jobs. Open bring - a title for learners to write and do writing on modern writing, can temporarily divide into two large areas. The first array is written in the Marcom industry (Marketing Communications)
. The second array is writing literature. These two areas are strongly interfering. The writer in this industry will also write in the other industry and vice versa, can operate in different arrays of modern writing
In the book today must be opened, author Nguyen Thuy Dung - Founder Fanpage day Date of writing, an existing Vietnamese fanpage at over 190,000 tracks, has filtered a lot of experiences written in accordance with new friends to enter the writing profession. Not too from the chapter, not too much of the mooring, today must open the bearing tool, a document inventory with a rich guide to a favorable open reading. Writing, opening is very important. We open it to write and write to open it. Want a good article, what I know must be more write than what I write. And to know a lot, we must always keep ourselves today to open the bearing. Besides the shares to increase capacity, the book also mention the formation of typical characteristics today must open Consisting of two main parts: Part one on reading - listening - writing - editing, four things to do people often write. There are also a series of articles and practical instructions on issues that any writer should be noted such as: sentences, voice, links, magnetic magic, maternity problems, main Description, ..
Part two talks about some necessary skills and experiences for writers. The content of the book is abundant by the author Nguyen Thuy Dung by the criteria "Writing for the end of what needs to be shared". The top mind of many people writes, is a big question that each writer should seriously find the answer. We are small fish, every day open "when I write this book, as well as when I instructed to others writing or lateging to the authors, I naturally hope what I do can help people write better. But, thinking for the same, the pen in your hand, the language capacity is also in you, so, how to become a writer, Europe can only rely on yourself. I truly hope This book, or more or less, will be useful for you on the journey to become a real writer. And anyway don't forget that: "We are small fish, every day open it." - Author Nguyen Thuy Dung Sharing. Before launching today, I have to open it, also in 2021, author Nguyen Thuy Dung has also impressed this ancient lettering a bit, the book The Vietnamese vocabulary is accumulated by the author on the journey of the word, for anyone who loves Vietnamese. The old words are a little bit to receive thousands of positive feedback after release.
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