Touch The Letter Of A Dong Tower Female Student In The Epidemic

The letter to the parent of the female student in Dong Thap is participating in anti-epidemic in Can Tho, causing many people to touch 9: 00/4: 06Nam Namlý Huyen Tran is sampling for the people. - Photo: NVCCLY Huyen Tran, 21 years old, 4th year student, General medicine, Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy. She participated in anti-epidemic from August 8 to date, sampling work for people, information and small tests Test results in Nhon Nghia Commune, Phong Dien District, Can Tho City.Tran is immissioning 21 Age writing a letter to parents makes many people feel and falling tears: "From the day I left my hometown (Dong Thap) to Can Tho Studying, a year home was three times but only a few days. I I saw the hair three more silver fibers, the biggered the child when she saw the mother more wrinkles

. The valuable gentle bottle hands of my parents were in May fearfully raising my children. Never meals Enough enough with a pouring child, the silver hair of three more but there is no side to hit me to spit your hair and I will pay the price of 100-200 copper a stalk. There are mothers crying because Meaning me
There are three bald nights because of worrying far away. On the child, I just called a question: "My parents, children". I apologize for not receiving the consent of the One Sinh Thanh has "labored into bullets "As she said. But Mom, I'm just a tiny sand grain, the fact that I don't stop with the doctor who is struggling to treat the covid-19 boss of the raging. Of the parents of the age 21 are not afraid of anything, I have to do, I do it with everything you have. The desire to eliminate the pandemic always existing in children to the extent that ripped the crust that was safely covered that the body protected them over the past 20 years. I have to go, because the earliest day I can visit my parents. I go, to overcome yourself. I'm sorry for being away from home that makes people remember and worry about this little child. But my parents, the children of people are mature every day
I will stand on myself on my feet. The professional knowledge is equipped with the school, and itself believes that yourself and your teammates will always be healthy, always repeatedly complete the assigned work. The template of the test is hard, hard The grumpy summer sun does not avoid fatigue. There are tears and tears, I wish to return to my mother's arms or lie on the hammock, my grandmother's grandmother. But I have to learn to be resilient, I have to be like a parallel, to hold a fuck with my teammates, because the hearts of the children in the direction - Excluding the pandemic, bringing green to our country ". Huyen Tran (3rd from left) and Dong Thuy Huyen Huyen Tra in Cao Lanh City, Dong Thap Province. Father worked in construction, and she was a teacher of My Ngai Elementary School (Cao Lanh City). Because away from home away Learning, adding stressful epidemics, so more than 6 months she has not visited the family. Ly Ly Ly Huyen Trânh Tran, when the school announces a volunteer to participate in sampling and traces Covid-19 in the province. Dong Thap, she has registered but has not been named in the list so it's a bit unfortunate because it's my hometown. This time the school continues to recruit volunteers, she registered and was chosen. Each morning to get up at 5 Now then personal hygiene, breakfast and work to more than 11 hours lunch breaks. Afternoon start at 13:30 and ending about 17 hours. The job is going through, continuously in the set Hot, stuffy households. She said, the early days were really uncomfortable because of working with high intensity with a tight protective suit while the weather was hot but gradually used to know, now everything is normal. The complex development of the Covid-19 Pandemic, is a medical student, I understand the dangerous nature of this disease and is trained by the school on the method of prevention of epidemics, always in the position ready for work Support pandemic prevention. "Only hoping for the latest day will no longer have a disease of raging, will be immersed in a busy road every afternoon and see the image of the grandparents to exercise at the park Luu Huu Phuoc, to you Far away from visiting the parents, letting the kids steal the books to school. One day is not far away, I will see Can Tho Reaching me to welcome the sun. ", female student Lotus land of pink. The early days of Can Tho have not yet made a way, I have an offer to ask for an opinion whether anywhere, my parents have a little fear of girls who are not healthy enough. But until I called for permission to go, my parents agreed to support the spirit and always reminded me to keep healthy to overcome the risk. "Being trained very well and deeply the knowledge of the disease, so this job is not too difficult. Moreover, grasp the danger of the virus, but with the spirit of not afraid of difficulty, the health of the health A young man is only outside 20, I'm not afraid of anything. I just need to do the right process, a day earlier will bring it to the whole victory, "said.

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